Friday, January 3, 2014


I don't know about you, but I'm ready for my kids and husband to go back to SCHOOL!!

Today my mom and dad took the older grand kids to the movies. And then Austyn and Taydem were getting to spend the night. I get just as excited as Taydem does. Because right now at this exact moment while I type on my phone and post to this blog, I'm soaking in a really hot bubble bath with candles lite! Sooooo nice and relaxing. If Taydem were here, she would've already busted through the bathroom door at least 5 times telling me some random thing that she's been sitting around thinking about. So thanks Mom and Dad!!

Yesterday marked my 27th week of carrying this tiny human inside of me! Scary how fast it's going. SCARY! I go to the doctor on Monday for my lovely glucose test and blood work, another sono and visit with my doctor. Tomorrow Mom, Danin and I are headed to Tyler to look for some Annie Sloan paint so I can paint Taydem's baby bed and rocking chair. AND, I have to break down and buy some maternity clothes. I've been blessed so far with my friends letting me wear theirs. But my gosh, they must be way smaller than me Bc I suddenly can't wear their stuff!

New Years Day I was moody. I've been pretty good this pregnancy with my mood swings but Wednesday just wasn't a good day. I started feeling bad on Monday and I never took any medicine. And of course I kept getting worse. By Wednesday I was just flat out pooped. And I had to take Christmas down that day. No at all what I wanted to do. By bedtime I had a heating pad on my back and was in bed early! Then in comes my knight in shining armor with a chocolate milkshake from Wendy's (BTW-the best!). After my bad day, this piece of heaven made it alright! He knows what will make me happy!

I ended up finally going to the doctor yesterday and staying home from work. I didn't get out of bed until after noon.

This is a picture from New Years Eve! Taydem and her sweet friend Julia. Her parents are new to town and I invited them to come hang out and meet some more people! So glad they came.

Whew- I am now sweating while still laying in this bath. Time to get out! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Keep praying for our house to sell!!


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