Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Smart Ones

Hey guess what?? Trever made the Dean's List for this past Fall semester! This is one accomplishment that I never got to put on my resume.  Gosh, we are so proud of him.  And he was actually pretty bummed out about that big 3.65.  He says he's going to do better this semester.  I love that he's a "go getter!" He is really wanting to go ahead and transfer to a university for next fall and he's thinking about A&M (if he can get in) or Texas Tech. He's ready to graduate and start making some $$$!
He asked me today if he could drive down to Tatum and pick Taydem up from school and spend the rest of the afternoon with her.  He heads back to school tomorrow and wants to spend some time with her before he has to leave.  Now, listen ladies (girls!), is this a sweet guy or what?? Taydem is going to be so excited.  He's taking her to AirU and probably grabbing a bite to eat.  This is why she's sad when he's not at home.  He plays hide and go seek with her all the time. And she just laughs and laughs.  And makes noises so he can find her! She just can't help it. 
I got a letter from Tay's teacher yesterday asking permission to have her tested for the Gifted and Talented program.  Why yes, you sure can! I can only pray that Taydem is as smart as her older brother. And that she never asks for help on any math or science homework growing up through school.  Because this Momma will not be any help! Hopefully she will do well and get asked into the program.  If not, I'm just glad she was asked!'s a look at my new (normal) hair color! I loved the blonde for like 3 months and then got tired of having to get it colored over and over again.  That's rough on some hair.  My hair was constantly tangled and just not at all healthy looking.  I'm loving the dark chocolate color and I hope it doesn't fade too much.

Do you ever give yourself a challenge? I can be that type of person every now and then.  I like a good challenge.  So my challenge right now is NOT biting my nails.  Thanks to my parents (they both do it) I bite my nails.  Always have! So my goal is to not bite my nails until after Tenlee arrives.  I'm also ready for the challenge of losing all this baby weight once she arrives.  That will be a big one! But I'm always trying to prove someone wrong.  And right now it's Leven Barker.  I want to show him that I WILL lose this weight! I enjoy being pregnant and all the perks that go along with it. 
She's a miracle and God's blessing to us. 

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