Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Taydem is like a dentist/doctor pro! She is so calm and always does exactly what they ask of her.  She did so well yesterday at the dentist.  She never moved one time and the dentist (and myself) kept wondering if she was ok.  So he would ask her about every 5 minutes.  Before we walked in she told me not to tell the dentist about her top tooth being loose.  Well that was the first thing he noticed.  It WAS just hanging there.  So while she had some gas and her mouth was a little numb from getting her cavity filled, he pulled that tooth right out without her even knowing.  It was pretty funny! She was so proud of that tooth being gone.  And she is seriously the cutest thing without it.  She was talking funny and I'm just loving that big gap!

She wanted to draw a picture for her class.  The child loves to draw and color.
My sister went to the doctor today and came home with this picture of sweet Baylee.  She's laying on her hand.  She is already weighing 3.5 lbs and is measuring a week ahead.  Miss Baylee will probably make her arrival before Miss Tenlee!
I love finding these "funnies!" This is so going to be me in a few months.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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