Tuesday, January 14, 2014

News....And it's pretty BIG!

We had a really good weekend.  And it all started early Friday morning. 
 I got a call on Thursday afternoon that a realtor wanted to show our house about 9:00 that morning.  So Thursday night, Leven and I cleaned and cleaned the house for the showing that next morning.  Friday morning rolls around and I leave the house smelling nice and clean with lights on! I get another call about 10:30 am asking if another realtor could show our house around lunch time. What? Two in one day? My heart was pumpin! And then I get another call later that afteroon asking if one more realtor could show the house about 4:00! I was speechless. 
Now let me back up just a little.....
 My SIL is our realtor and we've had a contract with her for 6 months.  We prayed, thought about it over and over and finally decided that after our contract was up with her that we would try listing our house with another realtor.  It was such a tough decision because she is our family and we didn't want any feelings to be hurt.  But she completely understood.  Now here's the kicker...her last day on our contract was FRIDAY! Can you believe that? Her last day before we changed realtors and our house was shown 3 times.  Now, I know you are probably wondering if any of those 3 showings turned out to be a keeper.  YES! The couple that looked at the house at lunch was very interested and made us an offer Friday night.  We went back and forth with them all day Saturday and finally agreed on something.  We signed the contract with Chrissy on Sunday. 
Now let me back up even more.......
Right after Christmas, I get a Facebook message from a friend in Mexia.  She starts off the message by saying, "You will probably think I'm crazy....".  She goes on to tell me about the St. Joseph statue.  She asked me if I had ever heard of people using this statue to help sell their home.  Well, of course I hadn't heard about it and immediately googled it.  At this point I'm pretty desperate and will try anything. 
So after reading about how it all works (different sites give you different instructions), I got on ebay and ordered the Barker family a St. Joseph statue.  Now of course Leven thought I was crazy and when the statue came in the mail a couple of days later, he didn't want to have any part of the burial.  So Taydem and I grabbed a shovel and headed to the front yard next to the FOR SALE SIGN in the freezing cold and followed the instructions.  I buried that little man and read the prayer that came with the kit.  I'm not catholic by no means, so Taydem and I said our own prayer afterwards. 
Now again fast forward to this past Friday.  Is this crazy or what?  Our friend in Mexia said it worked for them and two of her friends.  After the third showing, I called Leven and quickly reminded him of the little man buried out in the front yard.  I'm not saying this St. Joseph statue worked for us, but I know the POWER OF PRAYER did. 
Please continue to pray for us and for this couple to NOT back out on the contract like the first couple did.  We are so ready to get moved out and headed to Tatum.  I am so happy that this is all taking place befor Tenlee makes her arrival. Now if we can only make it to the closing date!   

I haven't bought too many things for Tenlee yet, because of our friends and family throwing us a baby shower.  I really want to wait until after the shower and then figure out what all I still need.  I still have Taydem's car seat but of course the seat cover isn't up to par.  So I found this 5 piece set and got a really great deal on it.  I couldn't pass it up!
This is some kind of smore something I got while waiting in the grocery check out line in Walmart. It was very tasty.  Just something else that I was craving at the time.
Saturday night I met up with some old girlfriends for a night of catching up and painting.  It's been just too long and I really enjoyed myself.
We were painting wood that night instead of a canvas.  Very cute idea. So I was trying to match the baby bedding for Tenlee's room.

After we got the final look, they showed us how to go back over the edges and some parts of the wood to make a distressed look.  I was pretty proud of my "Picasso" self.  You can't really tell in the pictures, but the distressed look turned out really good.

Lacey, Brittany and the baby bump...AKA myself!

Happy Tuesday!
I am making King Ranch Chicken tonight.  It's been forever since I made this.  The first time I had it was in college.  My good friend, Samantha, made it one night and I have been hooked ever since.  

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