Monday, January 20, 2014

It's getting serious

Check out this "bling bling" pacifier! It's got to be the cutest thing ever.  They didn't have these when Taydem was born.  I'm finding out there are a ton of new things since she was born. 
Our trip to San Antonio was a good one.  Again, thank goodness for our friends and asking us to fly down with them.  It made the trip so much better.  Leven sat up front with Scott and got all the inside scoop on flying.  He wouldn't stop talking about how cool it was.  I was just praying that I didn't get sick anytime in the air.  We were there in an hour! Talk about fast. 

Once we landed we had a man waiting on us (they use the same guy everytime they fly to SA) in a blacked out SUV and he took us to our hotels.  We stayed at the Omni La Del Mansion Rio right on the riverwalk ( 
We loved it! It was in the perfect location for all the attractions and walking distance to the Convention Center where our volleyball games were.  Once we got checked in and took a little time to freshin' up, we met up with our friends for dinner at The Hard Rock Cafe.  After eating, we walked up and down the riverwalk until we found a little pub with some good music playing.  I'm sure everyone was looking at me thinking why on earth is a pregnant woman in a bar. But as long as I don't see or smell cigarette smoke, it doesn't bother me.  I LOVE music and I could sit anywhere and listen all day/night! We had a blast!  
Now our volleyball games didn't go as good as we hoped.  Some of our girls were scared to death.  You could just see it all over their face! We are a team of 14 and 15 year olds and we were playing in a 16's bracket.  So yes, the teams we were playing had more experience, but we wanted to show our girls that level of play and show them how the speed of the game is so much faster.  We lost every game on Saturday and on Sunday we finally won our last match.  We have so much to work on and I'm already looking forward to practices and our next tournament.
While we were away, Taydem was in good hands.  Her and mom went to the movies Friday night and she played with Brittyn some on Saturday.  Mom and Dad went to Tatum to clean up the outside and inside of the apartment we will be living in and I'm sure they just dropped Tay off at my sister's while they cleaned.   Moving into the apartment is getting a little more real folks.  This morning the buyers had someone come out to the house to measure for a fence.  They also wanted to bump the closing date up 6 days.  So now we have 3 weeks until closing.  Talk about fast! After Wednesday (that's the last day they can back out of the contract), I'm going to get my butt in gear and finish packing the house little by little every night.  My parents are putting new carpet in the apartment and once that's complete, we will start bringing stuff and putting in the apartment a little at a time.  All our other stuff will go into a storage unit. 

So today at lunch, I headed to get myself a pedicure.  My feet and legs needed a good rub down and this little guy did an amazing job.  I'm sure he saw the swolleness in my feet! Oh, and I also got my eyebrows waxed!!

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