Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Out with the old....in with the NEW!

Happy New Year's Eve!
I am so ready to get off work and go home and take a nap.  The past few nights I haven't slept well at all.  I remember being pregnant with Taydem it was the same way.  The bigger I got, the harder it was to sleep.  Not only getting bigger, but I can't stand going to the restroom this many times a day.  And having to wake up from a good night's sleep to go empty my bladder wears me out! Well I start my 3rd trimester next neek so the count down is on.  And it also means more restless nights ahead of me.  I don't even want to weigh myself.  And I am already looking up different work outs on Pinterest so I can be ready come May.  These next few months are going to fly by.  And with coaching club volleyball, my weekends are already filling up.  I feel like a roly-poly!
On a good note, some of our friends brought us some diapers that are now to small for their baby girl! Heck yes, we want them!
We are so thankful for anything we can get........
I took an updated picture last night of my gut, I mean my beautiful growing pregnant belly :) OMG! It's getting out there for sure.  And so is my face! And my legs! And my arms! And my boobs....well they've been out there for a few months now! The joys of making a baby inside of you.  I'm almost 27 weeks. 13 more.....I can do this!

So remember last week when I posted about different things Leven has been saying about my ever growing gut? Well I have some new ones. And yes, I laughed at them all:

- "That cookie cake won't last until morning!"
- After eating at Sam's in Fairfield, I say, "Man, I'm full!" And Leven responds with, "well you should be, nobody else in there got any bread pudding!"
- I get out of the bathtub one night and he says, "Dang, where'd all the water go?"
-"I'm not taking you out in public until you lose that weight.  I'll probably end up getting you a personal trainer!!!"

Oh Leven..............what would I do without your annoying sarcasm? I would def miss it!
So cheers to the last day of 2013!
Each year brings new highs and lows. 
Leven took a new job (yeah!), we put our house up for sale (any day now!), Trever graduated high school then started college and we bought him a new truck, Taydem moved school districts and grew like a foot taller, WE MADE ANOTHER HUMAN, we bought a fancy red camaro (that neither Leven or myself can get in and out of very easily), and we each celebrated another year on this earth! We also said goodbye to some loved ones.  We miss Mike each day and Taydem talks about him all the time. 
The Circle of Life.....
Tonight we are headed to Tatum to sit around a bonfire and laugh and make new memories with our friends.  And I'm just blessed to have my brothers and sisters as my family AND my friends!
 May 2014 be a year to remember

1 comment:

Kristen said...

oh gosh girl- I know how you feel! I went to the dr today- I'm 31 weeks 2 days. The baby weighs about 4lbs2oz.... I weigh more NOW than I did when I gave birth to Kallie - ahhh! And I still have 2 months to go! Geez. I'm already about to have to stop wearing my wedding ring. I am thankful for a healthy pregnancy but this last stretch is going to be tough.....we can do this! ;) It's flown by already!