Friday, December 13, 2013

Busy as a BEE

Wow! Can we say....BUSY? That has been me these fast two weeks.  Which means all my Christmas shopping has been bought online so far.
Last week my trip to Lubbock was fast and furious.  We knocked out a ton of work in 4 days to be sure to make a flight back home.  The weather was super cold and we had to change our flight from Friday evening to Thursday morning.  We made it just in time.  I did NOT want to be stuck in Lubbock over the weekend.  We actually finished the project yesterday afternoon and it seriously felt sooo good.  I couldn't be more happy then to see those 44 reports being boxed and FedExed!
While in Lubbock, Leven got me some new tennis shoes! And of course I LOVE them! We had our first club practice this past Wednesday.  It's gonna be a great season.  Can't wait. Even if I have this big ole belly tagging along!
Taydem is just like me.  She loves the dentist! Since her first time going at 3, she just sits there and listens to everything they say to her.  She doesn't scream and act like a wild child! But this past time, she had a really small cavity in one of her back baby teeth. I haven't told her about it yet.  But come January 29th she will know all about it. 
I'm going to continue on the next blog post.......
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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