Saturday, November 30, 2013


These past few days have been amazing....seriously amazing. I know starting Monday morning [early] I will be flying out to west Texas for a week of work out there so I wanted to simply, relax. Thanksgiving Day was delicious. Tons of food and tons of leftovers. We even played a fun game using our iPhones. Have you downloaded the app "Charades!" yet? It's a must have for fun and laughter with a group of family and friends. I made probably the best dessert I've ever made-Banana Split Pie. OMG! As I was making it, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right or if it would even taste like I remember. It was and still is sooo good! If only there wasn't even leftover. I brought it home and I find myself dipping a fork and taking bites throughout the day.'s almost gone!! Geez

Yesterday was a girls day. My sister and I took our girls to the movies to see "Frozen." Brittyn is almost 2 and it was her first time. She did way better than Taydem would have at that age. It was a cute movie- especially for sisters!

This morning we decided to go ahead and put up the Christmas tree. We are trying not to decorate so much because our house is still up for sale. So we did the tree and our stockings. Taydem was a big help and was all into it this year. Thank goodness. It didn't take long for my back to start hurting.

Taydem wanted to take a pic of me and Tenlee Rose. Whoa....

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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