Monday, November 18, 2013


Being pregnant comes with cravings..weird, out of no where, type cravings.  [Just like today at lunch I had to run to Walmart to grab a few things and all I could think about was chocolate milk.  You know, the thick kind that Borden's makes? Well I didn't buy any...but still!]

Taydem and I went to the grocery store Saturday morning to pick up just a "few" items.  I looked down the baking aisle and thought, hmmm, cupcakes sure sound good.  And it will also be a good project for mommie and daughter time.  Well I couldn't decide whether to get buttercream icing or chocolate icing.  Too many decisions.  I knew I wanted yellow cake, so I just bought both icings! And for some reason I bought two boxes of yellow cake mix.  That afternoon Taydem and I got busy.  She loves to help me with whatever I'm doing.  Washing clothes, unloading the dishwasher, sweeping, cooking, etc.  This is why I know she's going to be the best helper with our new baby. 

Her favorite part is cracking the eggs!
Taydem is not a sweets person.  This picture is probably the only tasting or eating she did with the cupcakes.  Is this my child? Me on the other hand, could NOT stay out of the icing or the cupcakes! I also saved both the icings and put them in the fridge for later cravings! Geez louise!
I started warming the cupcakes up just enough for the icing to melt.  OMG! They were the best thing that had hit my mouth sine being preggo! Up until this weekend, I have actually done pretty good with my eating.  Well I blew it with those dang cupcakes!! If there are anymore left by tonight, they are going in the trash!

In a couple of weeks, I am heading out to west Texas with 3 guys I work with to do some field work.  I have never really been to west Texas.  I've only driven through there.  Two of the guys are working out there this week and one of them took this picture this morning and sent it to us.  Pretty cool!
I have another sonogram this Friday and I'm getting my hair did on Wednesday! Yippee....I'm thinking about cutting a few inches off.  The hair is getting way too long.
I almost forgot:
Another craving I've been having! Peanut butter and apples.

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