Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or Treat...Smell my Feet

Taydem had a blast this year going door to door asking for candy! She was by far the prettiest angel I have ever seen.  She's just getting so grown....
 Trever came and started going door to door with us.  We were riding on his tailgate and he was driving us around...But then he had to jet to Longview to see some friends.
Taydem was just happy he showed up for just a little while.

 These girls are triplets! They are just a few months older than Taydem, but are in the 1st grade.  She's going to have a blast growing up next to them! Let's see if I can get their names right....Camryn, then Taydem, Ashtyn and LeeAnna!

 Brittyn of course was "Minnie Mouse" this year! She's just the cutest thing ever!
 Tyler, Truitt and Tucker were "80's Kids!" Chrissy was also dressed up. Adorable. I'm loving Truitt's shirt in this picure and Tucker's blue sunglasses! Love all their expressions!
 Look at Austyn! Just beautiful!
 We didn't get to see these three.  We were leaving once they got back to their neighborhood. But Ashby looks like he's a mummy, Aidan is being scary this year with a wolf mask (I think) and Austyn is a pretty fairy princess!
On our way back to Longview we stopped by my Meme's house to see her and to let her see Taydem in her costume.  She loves for all of us to visit her.  She's been doing really well.  She turns 90 in a few weeks!! We all love her so much! After Meme's house we headed down to my Aunt Gwyn's house.  It's great growing up next to your family!
Tomorrow we are going to my Aunt and Uncle's deer camp for a fish fry.  They started doing this several years ago.  It's a way to kick off hunting season.  That's a pretty big deal around here (hehe).  They have a nice set up at their camp and we will eat good and get to watch some college football. Plus the weather is going to be nice and cool!
We are also exited because Grans is coming down to see us.  She's also going to the fish fry with us. 
Leven's first playoff game is Monday against Palestine.  Oh I hope they make it past the 2nd round this year.  It's been a while since he's done this.
Trever is headed to Waco this weekend to hang out with some friends. Yup, I'm jealous! I remember those fun college road trips and I MISS them!
I want to send a shout out to my good friend Amanda! She is running in the NYC Marathon on Sunday and I downloaded the app so I can track her every move!! Wishing her all the luck in the world.  She amazes me!
So this baby girl has been very active this morning so far.  She must have enjoyed that biscuit and gravy!! Do you like the name Tenley Rose Barker??
Have a wonderful weekend.....tonight I will be getting stuff back out of the boxes! Ugh....I had already packed up most of my decor stuff.  And I need some of it back out to help stage my home for the next lookers.  Happy happy joy joy.

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