Friday, January 31, 2014

Oh Happy Day!

We got word that our appraisal went through and for us to start packing!!! Seems like a long time coming, but what a happy day for us.  It's just a huge relief that has been lifted off our shoulders.  Of course, we have actually already started packing (we were staying positive!) and now we are on our way.  Last night Leven loaded up our cars with the first round of boxes to be moved into the storage unit.  I went with him and only carried small boxes and light items.  It doesn't take long for my back to give out. 
I cancelled my maternity pictures :( The weather is calling for rain tomorrow morning and I just didn't want anymore stress.  I've already got enough on my plate and I'm just trying to stay smart.  If the weather works out next weekend, I told the photographer to keep me in the books then.  But it's calling for SNOW! Geez Louise!
So tomorrow I'm going to be at Mom's all day painting.  I got the paint for the stools and shelf thingy so I'm excited to see how it will turn out.  We will also try and paint the rocking chair.  It's calling for rain all weekend so we will probably paint the baby crib next weekend. 
Our baby shower is on Sunday and then we will head over to a friends house for the Super Bowl.  Leven has gotten himself into like 5 different pots.  Maybe, just maybe he will win something! He's never lucky enough.  But he enjoys every bit of it. 
Yesterday I stayed home from work to just rest.  I didn't get out of the bed until 1:30 PM! My body was slap worn out.  My cold has come back and I'm blowing this nose again.  So frustrating.  I'm trying so hard not to grip, but I'm hitting the miserable stage and packing up a house while being pregnant is for the birds.  I can say though, I'm almost finished and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New friend

This little booger right here (heating pad) has been my best friend lately.  With all this packing and moving business, my back is pretty much gone by the end of the night.  I decided to bring it to work with me on Monday and it's just wonderful.
I keep telling myself "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!"
Since I have volleyball practice tonight in Carthage, Leven loaded up my car last night with more stuff to drop off at the apartment. Little by little.  We will get there!
Today during my lunch break I'm going to go rent us a storage unit so we can start loading that thing up with boxes and what little furniture will go in there. Leven figured he would take a load each day until it's all said and done.  This storage unit is in Longview and not too far from our house.  We don't want to spend that extra money on a moving company.
 "We think we can, we think we can, we think we can!" 
Saturday morning after my maternity pictures, Mom and I are going to start painting everything.  I will def do before and after photos! For some reason, I'm excited about doing this.  We will paint the baby crib and rocking chair.  And then we are painting some stools and a shelf for the apartment kitchen. 
I finally picked out my little outfits for my photo shoot.  Picking out clothes for pictures is stressful and having this big belly out front and center is even more stressful.  So I decided on three different outfits.  I'm getting spray tanned tomorrow after work.  Thank goodness.  For some reason, tan fat is better looking than pasty white fat! haha
Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Taydem is like a dentist/doctor pro! She is so calm and always does exactly what they ask of her.  She did so well yesterday at the dentist.  She never moved one time and the dentist (and myself) kept wondering if she was ok.  So he would ask her about every 5 minutes.  Before we walked in she told me not to tell the dentist about her top tooth being loose.  Well that was the first thing he noticed.  It WAS just hanging there.  So while she had some gas and her mouth was a little numb from getting her cavity filled, he pulled that tooth right out without her even knowing.  It was pretty funny! She was so proud of that tooth being gone.  And she is seriously the cutest thing without it.  She was talking funny and I'm just loving that big gap!

She wanted to draw a picture for her class.  The child loves to draw and color.
My sister went to the doctor today and came home with this picture of sweet Baylee.  She's laying on her hand.  She is already weighing 3.5 lbs and is measuring a week ahead.  Miss Baylee will probably make her arrival before Miss Tenlee!
I love finding these "funnies!" This is so going to be me in a few months.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Morning Blues

Happy Monday.  Are you feeling tired as much as I am? This weekend I felt like I never slowed down.  Friday night I spent packing up boxes.  I'm having to put some stuff in boxes that is going to storage and some boxes will be going to the apartment.  I don't want to overdue it, so I stop as soon as my feet or back start hurting.  Leven and Trever were a big help this weekend. Thank goodness.  They got the baby bed, carseat and high chair down from the attic as well so I could start cleaning those up.  Not sure what happened to the high chair cover in the last 6 years, but there's not one.  So ebay here I come!
Saturday morning Taydem and I took our time getting up and getting dressed.  My nieces party started at 11 so we got to sleep in a bit.  Leven and Trever headed up to Dallas to watch some of Leven's other girls playing club volleyball so they missed out on the fun 2 year olds party!! It was a Mickey/Minnie Mouse themed party.  Too cute! Danin and Chrissy did a good job putting it together.  There were kiddos everywhere! Taydem had a blast, of course.  Tyler fell asleep before we even ate, opened presents or cut the cake.  She was pooped! I had to snap a picture of her!

This is one of my favorite pictures of the two.  It makes me smile thinking about Tenlee and Baylee's future with one another. 
Tyler had just woken up in this picture.  If you wanna see what a daddy's girl looks like, here she is.  She loves my brother more than anything.  You will always find her not too far from him. So sweet!
After the party, we headed back home to finish some more packing.  Just trying to do a little at a time.  I feel like I'm moving right along.  Just pray we make it to closing date.  Here's a picture of Trever and Taydem at church yesterday morning.  Trever has got this long hair and some kind of beard going on.  He needs to clean up the beard, but it does look good on him.
As soon as we got home from church, we started loading up our cars with "apartment stuff."  Since we are going to Carthage at least two days a week for volleyball practice, we figured we would drop off a load at the apartment everytime we pass through Tatum.  So we loaded up some bedroom furniture and all the boxes I had packed up so far.  The apartment has new carpart and it smells like a new home.  It's small, but I think it's perfect for us. 
Last night I showed Leven the house plans that I have been working on and he actually loved it and agreed with me.  I couldn't believe it! Once we have this baby girl and get settled completely in the apartment we will take our plans and have them drawn up and the building process will be under way! Hopefully we can save some money while also living in the apartment. 
I hope you each have a wonderful week. 

Friday, January 24, 2014


Thank goodness it's Friday, right? This week has probably been the fastest week I've had in a long time.  Just flew right by. Late afternoon and last night we had some chilly weather come through East Texas.  When Leven picked Taydem up from school, it was snowing! I missed out.  She was so excited and then bummed out when she got home and there was NO snow in Longview. 
This little girl is not going to be happy with me come Monday.  She has to get a cavity filled AND she's missing the first day of gymnatics!!  She has always done so well at the dentist, but I'm afraid after this trip she's not gonna want to ever go back. And speaking of teeth, she's about to lose one of her front top teeth! She wiggled and wiggled on that thing last night.  It wouldn't suprise me if she lost it today at school.
This picture of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus cracks me up. 
 I just had to share it!
I have been waiting for Quaker to make this. And finally they have.  I have been hooked on Quaker's Apples and Cinnamon since I was a little wee one.  And it's the only oatmeal I like or will even eat. It's perfect to have up at the office for breakfast.  It's just like the instant mac and cheese.  Fill the water up to the line and microwave for about a minute.  And wah-la! Thank you Quaker Oatmel people! I also brought some milk to the office this morning and a banana.  Feeling healthy this morning :)
Today on my lunch break I'm having to meet Danin in Longview to look for some hostess gifts for the ones throwing us the baby shower.  Then rush back to the office. 
Ugh...I hate being rushed.  Hopefully we find something today!
Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
Stay warm

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Official(ly)-- the word of the day

We today I am officially 30 weeks pregnant.  I seriously can NOT believe how fast my pregnancy has gone.  10 more weeks! And with the packing of the house and moving, it's going to go by even faster.  Tenlee will be here before we know it. AWH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The 10 days for the buyers to back out is officially over.  Thank goodness we can breathe a little.  Today the appraiser is coming out to appraise our house.  Once that is said and done, I am gonna start calling all the utility companies and let them know when our closing date is to get everything turned off or switched over.  I also have to call the Tatum Post Office and get a PO Box #.  That will be a first for me.  Just call me Busy Barker for the next few weeks.
This weekend we have my nieces 2nd birthday down in Tatum (Brit and Tyler are having their parties together this year).  Since we are going to Tatum, we are going to drop off a load of stuff at the apartment.  My mom said the new carpet should be all down by tomorrow.  We had keys made yesterday. I am so thankful for my parents.  They are such a huge support for us.  But we want to bring loads of stuff down to the apartment as much as we can so we don't have much for the moving company to do.  I mainly want the moving company to move stuff to the storage unit. 
It's getting official folks! Praise God!

Last night at volleyball practice some of my girls told me to look over at Taydem.  And this is what we caught her doing. Selfies with my phone. This girl is ca-razy! I bet she had about 30 pictures on there.  So I saved a few.
Taydem is more than ready for Tenlee to get here.  She talks about her every day, rubs and kisses my belly and plays with her baby things.  I signed Taydem up for gymnastics yesterday.  Can't wait and I know she's excited.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Keeping our fingers crossed....

Today is the last day the buyers can back out of the contract.  Please say a quick prayer that we can make it to midnight!
The apartment we are moving into, doesn't have much storage.  In the kitchen there is only ONE drawer.  Yes, I said it...ONE! So mom thought it would be a good idea to find something that we could put in the kitchen that has some shelves and maybe another drawer or two.  So I began my search on Craigs List and found this little gem.  And the best part the lady that is selling lives in Henderson.  I talked her down a few more dollars and she's meeting me today in Tatum with the wooden island.  I am going to paint the stools a different color, but the island itself is wonderful.  The kitchen is too small to put our kitchen table in there, so this will be perfect for when Taydem or either one of us want to sit down and eat a quick something.  When we move into our new home, I think it will work outside on the back porch.

I am in love with this picture of Trever and Taydem.  This sums up their relationship so well.  They adore each other and he's just the sweetest big brother. 
I told myself that I wouldn't do Tenlee wrong and not keep a baby book updated for her.  So many times, the second or third child doesn't get everything the first child does.  So I went ahead and ordered her a baby book online and it came in the mail yesterday (along with 3 other boxes! Leven thinks I'm crazy!). I hope I can keep it up for her like I did with Taydem's baby book.
I had also ordered some more bows for Taydem.  Bows are a lot like socks....they somehow disappear! I found a lady on ebay that made 8 bows for only $12.00.  Now that's a good deal. You just have to decide on which colors you want. 
Another box contained clothes from my cousin's little girl.  They have been giving Taydem her "out grown" clothes for like 5 years! Super sweet and to even mail them to us!
Speaking of clothes....
I spent about 3 hours in Taydem's room last night going through toys, clothes and JUNK! Taydem and I separated toys that would go to storage and toys that would go to the apartment and toys that would go into the trash! Then we started on her clothes.  Since we got some new clothes from Addisyn, we got rid of all the clothes that were too small for Tay to wear.  I separated all those and put some away for the apartment.  We also ended up with 2 trashbags full of trash.  Taydem is just like her daddy and doesn't want to get rid of anything! OMG!!
By the time I was finished, my back was killing me.  I felt like an old old lady. 
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gave in

My goal of growing out my nails is looking pretty good! Go ME!

I have been going back and forth with the idea of having maternity pictures taken.  I didn't do it with Taydem and I love the idea of having Taydem in some of the pictures with me this time around.  I have been searching Pinterest trying to get pic ideas and an idea on what to wear.  It's so cold right now. Well the weather is a hit or miss.  So I gave in and decided to go ahead.  I asked the lady taking the photos if we could take them ASAP before my big butt got any bigger! So we have it scheduled for Feb. 1. Should be fun at least! I just pray that the weather isn't too chilly. 
Below are a few shots that I like.
This picture is of our friend! Isn't this shot beautiful? She is due at the beginning of March and she's the one that talked me into having my photos taken. She is also the photographer that took our family pictures last year.

Monday, January 20, 2014

It's getting serious

Check out this "bling bling" pacifier! It's got to be the cutest thing ever.  They didn't have these when Taydem was born.  I'm finding out there are a ton of new things since she was born. 
Our trip to San Antonio was a good one.  Again, thank goodness for our friends and asking us to fly down with them.  It made the trip so much better.  Leven sat up front with Scott and got all the inside scoop on flying.  He wouldn't stop talking about how cool it was.  I was just praying that I didn't get sick anytime in the air.  We were there in an hour! Talk about fast. 

Once we landed we had a man waiting on us (they use the same guy everytime they fly to SA) in a blacked out SUV and he took us to our hotels.  We stayed at the Omni La Del Mansion Rio right on the riverwalk ( 
We loved it! It was in the perfect location for all the attractions and walking distance to the Convention Center where our volleyball games were.  Once we got checked in and took a little time to freshin' up, we met up with our friends for dinner at The Hard Rock Cafe.  After eating, we walked up and down the riverwalk until we found a little pub with some good music playing.  I'm sure everyone was looking at me thinking why on earth is a pregnant woman in a bar. But as long as I don't see or smell cigarette smoke, it doesn't bother me.  I LOVE music and I could sit anywhere and listen all day/night! We had a blast!  
Now our volleyball games didn't go as good as we hoped.  Some of our girls were scared to death.  You could just see it all over their face! We are a team of 14 and 15 year olds and we were playing in a 16's bracket.  So yes, the teams we were playing had more experience, but we wanted to show our girls that level of play and show them how the speed of the game is so much faster.  We lost every game on Saturday and on Sunday we finally won our last match.  We have so much to work on and I'm already looking forward to practices and our next tournament.
While we were away, Taydem was in good hands.  Her and mom went to the movies Friday night and she played with Brittyn some on Saturday.  Mom and Dad went to Tatum to clean up the outside and inside of the apartment we will be living in and I'm sure they just dropped Tay off at my sister's while they cleaned.   Moving into the apartment is getting a little more real folks.  This morning the buyers had someone come out to the house to measure for a fence.  They also wanted to bump the closing date up 6 days.  So now we have 3 weeks until closing.  Talk about fast! After Wednesday (that's the last day they can back out of the contract), I'm going to get my butt in gear and finish packing the house little by little every night.  My parents are putting new carpet in the apartment and once that's complete, we will start bringing stuff and putting in the apartment a little at a time.  All our other stuff will go into a storage unit. 

So today at lunch, I headed to get myself a pedicure.  My feet and legs needed a good rub down and this little guy did an amazing job.  I'm sure he saw the swolleness in my feet! Oh, and I also got my eyebrows waxed!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's out there

Here's a picture of me at 19 weeks and a picture of me at 29 weeks.  Huge difference.  I didn't realize until after I looked at the picture long enough, but check out my leggings in both pictures.  They are pretty stretched out in that second picture.  The belly isn't the only thing growing! I look at the first picture and think that I'm pretty small.  Geez! I'm actually starting to get pretty miserable.  Leven noticed the other night that my calves are starting to swell.  I didn't believe him until I took my sock off the following night and they had made an indention in my skin.  Yikes! I think it has a lot to do with me sitting behind a desk all day.  I need to start taking a few minutes out of the day and walk around the office or somethig.  I hope I can make it this weekend in a gym ALL day! I can already tell that my back will probably start killing me towards the end. 
Tenlee's kicks are more in my stomach now.  So hopefully she has turned heads down now.  I just started noticing this yesterday. 
Last night our scrimmage went way better than I had expected.  I was so proud and pumped for these girls.  We beat an older elite team in 3 games.  We still have quite a lot to work on, but being that was our first time to even really go over the rotation, I was excited. 
 I can't wait for Saturday. 
We are so thankful to have such wonderful friends in our lives.  Our good friends from White Oak have a daughter that is also playing in San Antonio this weekend.  He is a pilot and owns several planes and they fly everywhere when they travel.  So they asked if we wanted to fly with them to San Antonio.  You talk about one happy pregnant woman! I wasn't looking forward to driving 5-6 hours in a car.  This makes the trip oh so much better.  Get down there faster and home faster! My parents are watching Taydem for us for this tournament, but she will make the rest.  She is just as excited about getting to stay TWO nights with them!!
I can't remember if I posted this or not.  But my niece Austyn, had surgery yesterday to get a mysterious blue "something" out of her ear that she put down in it.  She went in for her 4 year old check up last week and the doctor noticed something blue in her ear.  She tried to get it out but Austyn screamed every time.  Molly took her to the ENT on Monday and Austyn screamed again.  So they had to schedule surgery.  Aidan told Molly and Dustin that he has seen Austyn put play doh in her ear before (thanks for telling the parents!!). So after learning of this, Austyn had told her other grandmother that she was pretending to put her hearing aids in her ears (aka, the blue play doh). I know it's not funny to them, but I thought it was so sweet that Austyn wanted to have hearing aids like Taydem.  She loves her TayTay! Surgery went fine and they recovered the mystery blue that was deep down in her doh!
Happy Thursday! Make today a good one!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Get in my belly

Happy Wednesday! My King Ranch Chicken turned out excellent.  So excellent that I decided to have it today for lunch. And I'm sure I will eat it once more for supper.  A good thing about Trever going back to college is there is actual leftovers when I cook.  If he's here, it will be gone in one sitting! (Sorry Trever!!)
Speaking of Trever, here's a kind of recent picture of him.  I never see him enough to take a picture of him.  He's ready to get this Spring semester over with so he can get out of East Texas. I don't blame him. 
Seriously a picture of a donut.  This is someting I was craving at 4:00 today at my office.  I can't help myself.  I really can't.  I walk by it and all I can think about is warming it up in the microwave and how good it will taste. And it was soooooooo good! I need to take advantage of these situations, bc once Tenlee is will power has got to be stronger and I must be harder on myself!  
So cheers to donuts!
Tonight my club volleyball team has their first game (scrimmage).  We needed to scrimmage someone before we left for San Antonio this weekend.  Worked out wonderfully because it's in Longview! Yippee for not having to drive to Carthage.   

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

News....And it's pretty BIG!

We had a really good weekend.  And it all started early Friday morning. 
 I got a call on Thursday afternoon that a realtor wanted to show our house about 9:00 that morning.  So Thursday night, Leven and I cleaned and cleaned the house for the showing that next morning.  Friday morning rolls around and I leave the house smelling nice and clean with lights on! I get another call about 10:30 am asking if another realtor could show our house around lunch time. What? Two in one day? My heart was pumpin! And then I get another call later that afteroon asking if one more realtor could show the house about 4:00! I was speechless. 
Now let me back up just a little.....
 My SIL is our realtor and we've had a contract with her for 6 months.  We prayed, thought about it over and over and finally decided that after our contract was up with her that we would try listing our house with another realtor.  It was such a tough decision because she is our family and we didn't want any feelings to be hurt.  But she completely understood.  Now here's the kicker...her last day on our contract was FRIDAY! Can you believe that? Her last day before we changed realtors and our house was shown 3 times.  Now, I know you are probably wondering if any of those 3 showings turned out to be a keeper.  YES! The couple that looked at the house at lunch was very interested and made us an offer Friday night.  We went back and forth with them all day Saturday and finally agreed on something.  We signed the contract with Chrissy on Sunday. 
Now let me back up even more.......
Right after Christmas, I get a Facebook message from a friend in Mexia.  She starts off the message by saying, "You will probably think I'm crazy....".  She goes on to tell me about the St. Joseph statue.  She asked me if I had ever heard of people using this statue to help sell their home.  Well, of course I hadn't heard about it and immediately googled it.  At this point I'm pretty desperate and will try anything. 
So after reading about how it all works (different sites give you different instructions), I got on ebay and ordered the Barker family a St. Joseph statue.  Now of course Leven thought I was crazy and when the statue came in the mail a couple of days later, he didn't want to have any part of the burial.  So Taydem and I grabbed a shovel and headed to the front yard next to the FOR SALE SIGN in the freezing cold and followed the instructions.  I buried that little man and read the prayer that came with the kit.  I'm not catholic by no means, so Taydem and I said our own prayer afterwards. 
Now again fast forward to this past Friday.  Is this crazy or what?  Our friend in Mexia said it worked for them and two of her friends.  After the third showing, I called Leven and quickly reminded him of the little man buried out in the front yard.  I'm not saying this St. Joseph statue worked for us, but I know the POWER OF PRAYER did. 
Please continue to pray for us and for this couple to NOT back out on the contract like the first couple did.  We are so ready to get moved out and headed to Tatum.  I am so happy that this is all taking place befor Tenlee makes her arrival. Now if we can only make it to the closing date!   

I haven't bought too many things for Tenlee yet, because of our friends and family throwing us a baby shower.  I really want to wait until after the shower and then figure out what all I still need.  I still have Taydem's car seat but of course the seat cover isn't up to par.  So I found this 5 piece set and got a really great deal on it.  I couldn't pass it up!
This is some kind of smore something I got while waiting in the grocery check out line in Walmart. It was very tasty.  Just something else that I was craving at the time.
Saturday night I met up with some old girlfriends for a night of catching up and painting.  It's been just too long and I really enjoyed myself.
We were painting wood that night instead of a canvas.  Very cute idea. So I was trying to match the baby bedding for Tenlee's room.

After we got the final look, they showed us how to go back over the edges and some parts of the wood to make a distressed look.  I was pretty proud of my "Picasso" self.  You can't really tell in the pictures, but the distressed look turned out really good.

Lacey, Brittany and the baby bump...AKA myself!

Happy Tuesday!
I am making King Ranch Chicken tonight.  It's been forever since I made this.  The first time I had it was in college.  My good friend, Samantha, made it one night and I have been hooked ever since.  

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Enough already..

I have been sick with a cold for more than a week now.  I am about to cut my nose off (not really)! But having to blow my brains out every 15 minutes is about to drive me cookoo! I am taking medicine but, um....I don't think it's working very well. 
So last night I added my new iron pill to the rest of the pile.  I can't stand taking medicine.  Sorry I'm complaining today, but goodness.
One more complaint then I'm done----> Enough of this nasty weather already! This is probably why I can't seem to get well.

Club volleyball is going really good.  I know I say it every year, but I LOVE this group of girls.  Just the sweetest most hard working gals ever! I can't stand the fact that I can't get out there and play along with them.  Two practices ago I was tossing free balls over the net while the girls were playing it out.  I was standing in the middle of the court with the ball cart in front of me (well it was mainly to the side of me).  All of a sudden our middle hit a good one, and I mean GOOD ONE right at me.  I turned my hip and stuck my butt out so my belly would hide behind the ball cart.  The ball hit me right on the side of my hip.  I was completely ok and I was pumped because of how good the hit was.  But the other coach freaked out and pretty much everyone else in the gym.  So I got fired from throwing free balls over the net.
I'm excited about our first tournament.  We are heading to San Antonio for two days of volleyball.  Leven is going with me and Taydem will stay with my parents on this tournament.  She will drive us crazy in the car for that 5-6 hour drive!
After the weekend of volleyball in San Antonio, the next weekend will consist of my nieces 2nd birthday party.  They are having their birthday together this year! Awesome. Then the following weekend (which is also Super Bowl Sunday), our family and friends are throwing us that joint baby shower.  So we are pretty much booked up for a few weekends.  I wasn't going to register, but I decided I better register for a few things.  It's been over 6 years since I've had any kind of baby stuff in my house. 
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Smart Ones

Hey guess what?? Trever made the Dean's List for this past Fall semester! This is one accomplishment that I never got to put on my resume.  Gosh, we are so proud of him.  And he was actually pretty bummed out about that big 3.65.  He says he's going to do better this semester.  I love that he's a "go getter!" He is really wanting to go ahead and transfer to a university for next fall and he's thinking about A&M (if he can get in) or Texas Tech. He's ready to graduate and start making some $$$!
He asked me today if he could drive down to Tatum and pick Taydem up from school and spend the rest of the afternoon with her.  He heads back to school tomorrow and wants to spend some time with her before he has to leave.  Now, listen ladies (girls!), is this a sweet guy or what?? Taydem is going to be so excited.  He's taking her to AirU and probably grabbing a bite to eat.  This is why she's sad when he's not at home.  He plays hide and go seek with her all the time. And she just laughs and laughs.  And makes noises so he can find her! She just can't help it. 
I got a letter from Tay's teacher yesterday asking permission to have her tested for the Gifted and Talented program.  Why yes, you sure can! I can only pray that Taydem is as smart as her older brother. And that she never asks for help on any math or science homework growing up through school.  Because this Momma will not be any help! Hopefully she will do well and get asked into the program.  If not, I'm just glad she was asked!'s a look at my new (normal) hair color! I loved the blonde for like 3 months and then got tired of having to get it colored over and over again.  That's rough on some hair.  My hair was constantly tangled and just not at all healthy looking.  I'm loving the dark chocolate color and I hope it doesn't fade too much.

Do you ever give yourself a challenge? I can be that type of person every now and then.  I like a good challenge.  So my challenge right now is NOT biting my nails.  Thanks to my parents (they both do it) I bite my nails.  Always have! So my goal is to not bite my nails until after Tenlee arrives.  I'm also ready for the challenge of losing all this baby weight once she arrives.  That will be a big one! But I'm always trying to prove someone wrong.  And right now it's Leven Barker.  I want to show him that I WILL lose this weight! I enjoy being pregnant and all the perks that go along with it. 
She's a miracle and God's blessing to us.