Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Seeing red.......

I'm thinking it's time for Trever to get a haircut....and do a little shaving on that face of his.  I like his beard, but he just needs to clean it up! ha
He is seriously starting to look to OLD!

Not only are my feet and legs starting to swell, but the fingers are getting there too.  I can't wear my wedding ring anymore. 
Do you go all out for Valentine's Day?
I've never been the type of woman that got my feelings hurt if Leven didn't go all out for me on Valentine's Day.  I honestly could care less if he even gets me a card.  I think every year we just try and make it a date night.  And we are both perfectly fine with that.  This year we are going over to Shreveport with some other couples to eat and then I'm sure we will head home.  We usually head over to the boats for a little bit, but I'm not even sure if we will do that this time.  So that's our plans for now at least....
During my lunch break today, I headed to Walgreens to buy Taydem's class Valentine's cards.  We also have to decorate a shoebox so she can put her Valentine's cards in it.  It's always something.  I'm glad Taydem enjoys arts and crafts.  I usually just let her do her own thing.  I was so proud of her last night.  While I was washing dishes (the apartment doesn't have a dishwasher!) she sat on a stool and read her library book to me.  So BIG!
So ready for some warmer weather...

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