Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday morning.....

A LOT  has happened since I last posted. 
Thursday we closed on our home in Pine Tree.  Leven and I met up at the house to gather the last of the cleaning supplies and said our goodbyes.  We had some wonderful times in that house.  After taking a few pictures, we headed over to the title company to sign all the documents and get our check.  The couple that is buying our house seems super sweet and they are ready to just move in.  It's such a headache these days trying to get a loan and buy a house.  They said they loved our house the moment they saw it.  Makes me feel good inside! It took a little over an hour to get everything finalized and then we were done.
Done with it ALL!
What a relief. 
Friday morning I headed to the baby doctor to get a check up.  I'm measuring right on schedule and blood pressure was great.  I told her this baby would def not come early and I would probably have to be induced for sure.  I am going back and forth on whether or not I should be induced or to just wait until Tenlee decides to make her arrival.  Taydem was induced so to me that's the easiest way to go, because that's ALL I know.  I'm nervous about my water breaking and having to rush to the hospital.  But then again, I kind of want to go through all of that.  I'm getting nervous even talking about it.  I'm entering 5 weeks and so that means Tenlee will be here in like a month!! I'm thinking Tenlee is going to be a bigger baby than Taydem! Look at that belly.....
We headed to Arlington this past weekend for our second volleyball tournament.  We also got to stay with Leven's good friend, Danny.  It was nice getting to visit with Danny and his wife Mindy.  It's been like 2 years since we've seen them.  They have a Boxer dog named Boomer and Taydem played with him the entire time.  We didn't do so well playing on Saturday but came back and won both games on Sunday.  I figured I would've been worn out when we got home last night, but I was feeling pretty good. 
Taydem is so easy bringing her places.  I guess because she's been a gym rat from day 1.  Give this girl an ipad, coloring book and a few trips to the concession stand and she's set. I thought this picture she colored was REALLY good.

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