Wednesday, October 30, 2013


So big news coming from the Barker household.....Taydem can now ride her bike without training wheels. Taydem has never really been an "outside playin'" type of kid. She's so girly. But here lately she's all about riding her scooter, bike and throwing a baseball up to herself and hitting it with a bat. So Monday night (yes, dark outside) Leven takes her training wheels off and leaves the bolts and wrench on the back of my car. So yesterday afternoon a guy I work with saw them STILL on the back of my car. I had driven to work and none of it fell off. Not even those bolts. All I can say is- I'm a really great driver!! Leven is so forgetful at times!!!

About to head up to Plano for a meeting. And it will probably rain on us the whole way. Happy Hump Day folks!!

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