Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall....A little different this year

This is the first time in a really really long time that I haven't decorated for Fall. All my decorations are still put away in tubs either in the attic or storage room.  But I can't really decorate when we are suppose to be selling, "trying", our house. It's a little weird this year. Fall is by far my most favorite time of the year.  I love the weather and the smell of eveything pumpkin! I guess this means we will also not decorate for Christmas either this year.  IF our house hasn't sold by then.  Which by the way things are looking, it may be awhile.

On a brighter note, Trever is getting to travel tomorrow with the baseball team.  Considering he's a "walk on", he doesn't always get to travel.  So I'm super excited for him! Pray he steps on that field, at least for an inning or two! He deserves a chance, he's worked so hard! Tonight Trever's girlfriend, Madyson, is coming over to play with Taydem for awhile.  She texted me yesterday asking if she could and if Leven and I wanted to go on a date then we could! So we are taking advantage and going on a DATE! Whooooo-hooooo! Taydem giggled when I told her we were going on a date! She's silly.

Taydem is learning to read these days.  I think this is probably the most challenging step she and I have taken.  Potty training-piece of cake! Learning to tie her shoe-easy easy! Teaching her to read-I NEED MORE PATIENCE!!! I forget her attention span is about like her Daddy's, so keeping her interested is the hardest part.  Plus she starts laughing everytime she gets a word wrong. And then she remembers something that happened that day at school and wants to tell me about it.  Then she wants to sing me a song.  Then she wants to show me a dance move.  OMG! We get to page 3 and I'm ready to call it quits too! But, we will get there. Sooner or later.

Speaking of dancing and singing.  Instead of her teacher getting on to her for talking, she gets in trouble for dancing and singing all the time.  The teacher tells her if she doesn't stop then she will get her color moved! AND if she gets her color moved, believe me she will tell me all about it.  She's gotten her color moved twice this year, but got it moved back by the end of the day! She said she cried the first time it got moved, ha! I told her to quit all that crying.  It's her fault the color got moved in the first place.  Trever was our good child.  Taydem may give us some trouble!

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