Wednesday, October 9, 2013


So, here's my hair.  She said it will get even lighter after I wash it a few times.  The toner will start to fade.  I love a change. So I'm really liking it. 

So today I'm 33.  And I'm feeling really good.  It's crazy because I met Leven when he was 33.  And I thought (at the time) that he was so old! Geez.  But seriously you have heard this over and over, you are only as old as you feel.

I am very blessed.  My family is my rock and we are closer than anything. My parents are my constant supporters and my role models.  I have been blessed with amazing in-laws who love me and I wish they lived closer to us! Leven is my #1 man who keeps me laughing each and every day and I'm so lucky he's mine.  He's our provider and protector and my best friend. Trever is by far the best son and he continues to work hard and makes me so proud to have him in my life.  My sweet Taydem is exactly that, sweet.  This morning when I woke her up the first thing she said to me was, "Happy Birthday Mama!" She melts my every being and is such a joy in my life.  All my brothers and sisters are my closest friends who I turn to in good times and bad.  They have given me the most beautiful nieces and nephews and I love them all so much.  I am also blessed to still have my grandmother alive and right down the street from my parents.  My Meme turns 90 in November and she is the heart of our family.  Friends-where do I even began? I pray every night to take care of all my friends-old friends, new friends and friends I haven't even met.  Again, I'm so blessed. You put your faith in the Lord and he will take care of you. 

And my last blessing I want to tell you about is this little miracle growing inside of me.  Leven and I are having a baby! I haven't really offically announced it (through social media) yet, but I figured for the ones of you who read my get the news first! I will be 15 weeks tomorrow and we are finding out the sex tomorrow.  Very excited! Thankful for my friend Alicia who will be doing the sonogram early for us! Taydem is beyond excited.  And believe me, she will be the best big sister and helper to me.  I've been feeling great.  I really enjoy being pregnant.  Other than the pimples that randomly pop up on my face, or the fact that my boobs are crazy big (and hurt) all the time, or that my belly is slowly getting bigger....things have been good! Our little nugget will arrive sometime early April! Babies are truly a work of God and it still blows my mind how this little 4 inch human being is inside of me.  Continue to keep us both in your prayers.....

Have a great day!
Do something kind for someone else.
  Tell your loved ones that you love them.
 Make today count!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats!!!! I'm so happy!!!