Monday, October 21, 2013

All alone

It's weird being in a hotel room by yourself. I've been south of San Antonio all day for work and now we are in Austin. Getting up early and heading back out for some more. Look what I found today....

I was pretty pumped about that point and I just think all these Prickly Pears everywhere are cool!

So I started packing this past weekend. So thankful for Jucy's collecting boxes for us! And I also had a mom of one of Leven's ex Vball players give me boxes and all that brown packing paper!! So helpful! I got quite a lot done with the help of my mini me but I haven't even touched the inside of the cabinets yet. Whew. Gonna need my Momma to help with those!! My back starts hurting me pretty quickly. Which sucks!! But I just keep pushing myself.

This baby girl is kicking more and more these days. Or really, I guess I can just finally feel it more often.

Time for bed........

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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