Thursday, October 31, 2013

Throwing it back

I wanted to share a few pictures from past Halloweens.  Taydem was 2 in this little kitty outift. Adorable....
Today was 4 in this ladybug inspired tutu outfit!
And I was 30 (hehe) in this get up with my good friend Natalie!

Today after work I'm going to head down to Tatum to help get Tay dressed up in her pretty angel costume.  Angel-fits her perfectly! Then we are going to go from house to house in the JK Acres neighborhood! Our future neighborhood (one day!) with all of our family.  Can't wait to see my nieces and nephews and all the other kiddos.  There are tons of kids in this neighborhood.  Taydem is so excited.  Hopefully her Bubba will come and walk her around.  She asked me last night if he was taking her again this year.  She misses him so much.
So get ready for pictures to come tomorrow!
In the baby news- I am 18 weeks TODAY! Moving along....we still don't have a name picked out.  I don't know why it's so hard this time.  There hasn't been one name that has just jumped out at us. Friends and family are constantly giving us ideas....but we just can't make a decision.  So Baby Barker it is for now.....

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


So big news coming from the Barker household.....Taydem can now ride her bike without training wheels. Taydem has never really been an "outside playin'" type of kid. She's so girly. But here lately she's all about riding her scooter, bike and throwing a baseball up to herself and hitting it with a bat. So Monday night (yes, dark outside) Leven takes her training wheels off and leaves the bolts and wrench on the back of my car. So yesterday afternoon a guy I work with saw them STILL on the back of my car. I had driven to work and none of it fell off. Not even those bolts. All I can say is- I'm a really great driver!! Leven is so forgetful at times!!!

About to head up to Plano for a meeting. And it will probably rain on us the whole way. Happy Hump Day folks!!

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bad News

So we had some bad news today. Really bad news. The couple that wanted our house, terminated the contract today. Our world just suddenly stopped. We are both just sick to out stomachs. Absolutely broke my heart. So it's back to square one. Keep us in your prayers.

I went grocery shopping today and bought 2 gallons of Bluebell ice cream hoping that would make me feel better!

My belly is slowly growing each week. I've actually only gained 5 lbs, which has totally surprised me.

Leven's girls finished their season last Friday night to complete district as champions.

Taydem has decided to be an Angel for Halloween. Which is the perfect costume for her!

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Going full speed

Man, hard to believe it's been since Monday since I last posted.  So catching up on the week that just flew right by us.
Leven has his last district game tonight in Jasper.  Should be a piece of cake.  His record will be 32-8! Pretty great for his first season with these girls.  They will have a warm up game next week and then it's play off time.

Trever's first semester is already coming to a close...well almost.  He says he has all A's and one B.  We will see when semester grades come out.  He's such a smarty!
Taydem had her first Vocabulary Parade today at school.  This is a pretty big deal at Tatum Primary School.  For the past 4 years I've seen my nephews do it so it was finally Taydem's turn.  Each kid chooses a word and you dress according to the word you chose.  They do it also around Halloween because a lot of the kids will just wear their Halloween costume. So Taydem (and myself, hehe) chose the word "Fearless!" I knew right away that I wanted her to dress as an Indian.  Leven's grandfather was full blood Sioux Indian so I know how special Leven's Mother's Indian heritage means to her.  So I knew having Tay as an Indian would make her proud, and smile! She was sooooooooooo adorable.  I could just eat her up!!! Here are some pictures of Taydem and the parade.  I didn't get to make the parade because I had to work, but thanks to sooo many people that sent me pics!

Ashby's word was "Demolish"

Truitt's was "Furious!"

Tucker's was "Broken!"

Belly Pic

Monday, October 21, 2013

All alone

It's weird being in a hotel room by yourself. I've been south of San Antonio all day for work and now we are in Austin. Getting up early and heading back out for some more. Look what I found today....

I was pretty pumped about that point and I just think all these Prickly Pears everywhere are cool!

So I started packing this past weekend. So thankful for Jucy's collecting boxes for us! And I also had a mom of one of Leven's ex Vball players give me boxes and all that brown packing paper!! So helpful! I got quite a lot done with the help of my mini me but I haven't even touched the inside of the cabinets yet. Whew. Gonna need my Momma to help with those!! My back starts hurting me pretty quickly. Which sucks!! But I just keep pushing myself.

This baby girl is kicking more and more these days. Or really, I guess I can just finally feel it more often.

Time for bed........

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Daddy's Girl

Last night Taydem wanted me to read her new book to her that she bought at the book fair but I was about to jump in the bath.  So she asked Leven.  I figured he would've said no, but he said SURE.  It was the sweetest thing.  The book was about fairies and Taydem was all into.  Leven on the other hand had no idea what the book was even talking about.  Funny! So very quietly I recorded just a little bit of him reading to her.  Excuse my bra on the bed.  If I had moved it, he probably would've figured out what I was doing.  Sneaky sneaky!

Thank goodness for leggings! I plan on wearing leggings practically my entire pregnancy.  The are comfy and I can always wear them again once the baby is here.  So yesterday I stepped out of my comfort zone and bought these two wild pairs.  WHOA! I thought, why not? Tall boots, sweaters and scarfs! My kind of weather.  Oh and big belly!
Speaking of belly....this thing grew some over night.  I'm 16 weeks today.  And seriously this thing is already getting out of control.  Again, thank goodness for cooler weather.  Layer on the clothes to cover this growing belly!

Last night Chrissy came over after choir practice and Leven and I signed the CONTRACT.  It was the greatest feeling.  So now we wait. We pack. We get organized.  And then we close on November 26th! This will give us plenty of time to find a storage unit, pack up tons of boxes, move into my parents apartment,and the most important rushing = no stressing!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How bout' them Lady Dawgs!

The Carthage Lady Dawg's finished 1st in district last night.  Although they still have 2 more games, the title is theirs!! Last night was Pink Out Night and Senior Night.  Leven says he has the best group of seniors. And that's a really good thing since he will only have them this year.  It's hard coming into a new school/team with that many seniors.  You never know how they will respond to you as a coach/person.  Congrats on all their success.  Now it's time to get down and dirty for playoffs! Can't wait....

This picture makes me laugh!
Thank you for all your prayers.  Yesterday that couple that came back to look at our house for a second time made us an OFFER! I literally shed tears in my office.  We made a counter offer and they accepted! Chrissy just texted me and said she has the contracts that they signed, all the contract needs now is our signatures.  It's a huge relief off our shoulders.  Now it's time to get to packin'! I am going to start this weekend and go until I either run out of boxes or run out of steam.  Praise God!

Yesterday was a good day
-Danin and Eric are having a baby girl
-We have a contract on our house
-Leven's volleyball team won district
and I hate to say this last part as good news
-but hopefully PT has now realized what must be done to turn this school around.  I know they are tired of being in the news. It's time to move forward PT!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Little Doll

I was looking through some old pictures and came across this little cutie.  Taydem was about 26 months right here.  I can remember going to have these pictures made like it was yesterday.  So dang cute.  Now that baby girl #2 is on the way, I wonder if she will favor Taydem in any way. 
The people that came and looked at the house yesterday wanted to come back again this morning.  I had to run home and turn on lights, spray "smell good", pick up and make the beds.....once more! But them wanting to look at the house again, is a good thing! Please dear Lord!!

And to annouce some more exciting news in my life: MY SISTER IS PREGNANT TOO!  She is about 2 weeks behind me and she found out this morning that she is having a little GIRL! I am so excited. They already know they are going to name her Baylee Monroe. So sweet. So now my little girl will have a best friend to grow up with. Awesome awesome news! God is Good!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Eagle Pride

Friday night football was a success.  The Eagles came home with a win and so did Leven's girls! Leven's team has 3 more games until district is over. Tomorrow night is "Pink Out" night for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  So Leven got the girls ribbons for their hair (he even picked them out) and I think he is looking for some pink socks.

My cousin's daughter Carsyn with Taydem and Austyn
 My cousin's other daughter, Rylee, with Taydem
 My nephew Aidan's team won their tournament this past weekend in Tyler!

So now that we are having a girl, we must start thinking about names.  There's not too many "T" names that I like.  So I'm leaning towards anything.  Here are a few I like.  And I say "I" because Leven hasn't even mentioned names yet. ha

-Lynnen or Lennyn
-Talon or Talyn
(this is the huge claw of an Eagle.  If I name this little girl Talyn, people will really think I'm a die hard Tatum Eagle fan!!!!)
Ok, so you see, we've got some work to do.  I have only come up with three names that I like.  I would love suggestions.  Put your suggestions in the comment box of this post! We need some help!
We had some people look at our house yesterday and again today! This is better than nothing.  We haven't heard back from the people today!! Keep praying!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Stinkin CUTE

My two baby nieces are the cutest things ever! I seriously could just eat them up! Friday night football is tonight. Go EAGLES!

Thank goodness it's Friday. Yesterday at my doctors appointment I had to get a flu shot. I have felt horrible all day. It must be that shot.

I have been feeling this little girls kicks since 13 weeks. This time around I know what they feel like. I'm starting to feel them more each day. I love it!

Have a great weekend!!
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pink it is

Well looks like we are having another girl!
This baby girl did not want to reveal herself this morning.  It took a little longer this time for Alicia to have an answer.  First she was turned the wrong way so I turned over on my side.  Then once I did that she turned the right way, but then had her legs crossed! Finally-Alicia knew right away that SHE was a girl! Of course I was bummed because I did want to have a boy with Leven.  And I know Leven is a little disappointed.  But now that I have had time to process it, I'm super excited.  Taydem wanted a little sister so badly.  And now she will have her real life baby doll.  This little girl will adore Taydem and always look up to her.  And since Leven is a little older, it will be easier on him as well.  Because just like Tay, this baby girl will be attached at my hip! Which is fine by me.  So we will have us another little volleyball player in the house!
Everything else looked great.  Her heart, her two legs and two feet, her arms and hands! I'm smiling as I type.  And on another note, this baby girl will have tons of baby girl clothes to pick through from her older cousins Tyler and Brittyn.  Now if my sister has a girl too, then she will only get Tyler's clothes! I am actually hoping Danin has a girl as well.  They will grow up so close together! We find this out on Tuesday!
Please continue to pray for us though.  Our house is still on the market and we've actually come to a stand still.  We haven't had any lookers in a few weeks now.  April will be here before you know it. 
Life is good.
Pray for our country.
Be thankful.
Eternal life is better.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


So, here's my hair.  She said it will get even lighter after I wash it a few times.  The toner will start to fade.  I love a change. So I'm really liking it. 

So today I'm 33.  And I'm feeling really good.  It's crazy because I met Leven when he was 33.  And I thought (at the time) that he was so old! Geez.  But seriously you have heard this over and over, you are only as old as you feel.

I am very blessed.  My family is my rock and we are closer than anything. My parents are my constant supporters and my role models.  I have been blessed with amazing in-laws who love me and I wish they lived closer to us! Leven is my #1 man who keeps me laughing each and every day and I'm so lucky he's mine.  He's our provider and protector and my best friend. Trever is by far the best son and he continues to work hard and makes me so proud to have him in my life.  My sweet Taydem is exactly that, sweet.  This morning when I woke her up the first thing she said to me was, "Happy Birthday Mama!" She melts my every being and is such a joy in my life.  All my brothers and sisters are my closest friends who I turn to in good times and bad.  They have given me the most beautiful nieces and nephews and I love them all so much.  I am also blessed to still have my grandmother alive and right down the street from my parents.  My Meme turns 90 in November and she is the heart of our family.  Friends-where do I even began? I pray every night to take care of all my friends-old friends, new friends and friends I haven't even met.  Again, I'm so blessed. You put your faith in the Lord and he will take care of you. 

And my last blessing I want to tell you about is this little miracle growing inside of me.  Leven and I are having a baby! I haven't really offically announced it (through social media) yet, but I figured for the ones of you who read my get the news first! I will be 15 weeks tomorrow and we are finding out the sex tomorrow.  Very excited! Thankful for my friend Alicia who will be doing the sonogram early for us! Taydem is beyond excited.  And believe me, she will be the best big sister and helper to me.  I've been feeling great.  I really enjoy being pregnant.  Other than the pimples that randomly pop up on my face, or the fact that my boobs are crazy big (and hurt) all the time, or that my belly is slowly getting bigger....things have been good! Our little nugget will arrive sometime early April! Babies are truly a work of God and it still blows my mind how this little 4 inch human being is inside of me.  Continue to keep us both in your prayers.....

Have a great day!
Do something kind for someone else.
  Tell your loved ones that you love them.
 Make today count!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The day before

Today is October 8th. Which means tomorrow is my birthday....October 9th!
Yippee....I'm turning 33!
My boss and I share the same birthday.  But he's older, turning the big 4-0! So tomorrow the ladies in the office wanted to throw us a little party together.  But I had a meeting scheduled in Plano tomorrow and wasn't going to be here.  So instead they gave me this awesome gift today!!

I have never gotten one of these before so I was in love with it.  The fruit is really good and it's so beautiful! I have been eating this all day. (BTW-my meeting ended up getting cancelled, so now I get to enjoy tomorrow as well!!)

I'm not sure what it is, but I sure do love getting my hair done.  If I had all the money in the world, I would have a personal hair and makeup assistant for sure.  With this being said, I'm getting my hair done today after work.  I love love love a change.  Especially with my hair.  So today I'm going really light.  A little nervous, but it's just color, right? When I color my hair dark in the fall/winter it washes my face out.  I'm too white! So tomorrow I will have a picture for you.
This is the look I'm going for! So we shall see.......

Until next time......


Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Fun

Friday night we headed to Carthage to watch Leven's girls play and then headed to watch the Tatum Eagle football game after that.  They both came home with a win.  Both of Leven's games this week are out of town.  So looks like I will be staying home! The drive is just too far for Taydem and I.

Saturday we watched college football pretty much ALL day! And I just love it.  I washed clothes and made some awesome Taco Soup.  Leven mowed the yard and tried playing handyman to the lawn mower.  I was proud of him for not giving up.  He spent all morning trying to fix it and after the third time he said enough is enough! He needs a new part. 

I was walking Saturday afternoon (the weather was amazing!) and I looked over in our yard and saw Taydem playing ball by herself! It was the cutest thing, so I had to take a quick picture.  She was hitting the balls and then chasing them.  And let me tell you, she can hit! She doesn't even need a tee.  If I toss to her she hits it everytime!

Sunday, Taydem and I headed over to a park close by our house to watch my nephew Aidan play some baseball.  I picked up Austyn and took her and Taydem to the park first.  They ran around for about 30 minutes and loved every minute of it.  They play so well together.  I'm so glad Tay has Austyn! Watching them run and run and run made me tired just sitting there! Aidan's team won the championship game and each got a nice trophy!

And speaking of Aidan----Today is his 10th birthday! Seems like yesterday he was just being born.  He's the first grand child and we sure do love him! Isn't he handsome??

Happy happy happy Monday!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall....A little different this year

This is the first time in a really really long time that I haven't decorated for Fall. All my decorations are still put away in tubs either in the attic or storage room.  But I can't really decorate when we are suppose to be selling, "trying", our house. It's a little weird this year. Fall is by far my most favorite time of the year.  I love the weather and the smell of eveything pumpkin! I guess this means we will also not decorate for Christmas either this year.  IF our house hasn't sold by then.  Which by the way things are looking, it may be awhile.

On a brighter note, Trever is getting to travel tomorrow with the baseball team.  Considering he's a "walk on", he doesn't always get to travel.  So I'm super excited for him! Pray he steps on that field, at least for an inning or two! He deserves a chance, he's worked so hard! Tonight Trever's girlfriend, Madyson, is coming over to play with Taydem for awhile.  She texted me yesterday asking if she could and if Leven and I wanted to go on a date then we could! So we are taking advantage and going on a DATE! Whooooo-hooooo! Taydem giggled when I told her we were going on a date! She's silly.

Taydem is learning to read these days.  I think this is probably the most challenging step she and I have taken.  Potty training-piece of cake! Learning to tie her shoe-easy easy! Teaching her to read-I NEED MORE PATIENCE!!! I forget her attention span is about like her Daddy's, so keeping her interested is the hardest part.  Plus she starts laughing everytime she gets a word wrong. And then she remembers something that happened that day at school and wants to tell me about it.  Then she wants to sing me a song.  Then she wants to show me a dance move.  OMG! We get to page 3 and I'm ready to call it quits too! But, we will get there. Sooner or later.

Speaking of dancing and singing.  Instead of her teacher getting on to her for talking, she gets in trouble for dancing and singing all the time.  The teacher tells her if she doesn't stop then she will get her color moved! AND if she gets her color moved, believe me she will tell me all about it.  She's gotten her color moved twice this year, but got it moved back by the end of the day! She said she cried the first time it got moved, ha! I told her to quit all that crying.  It's her fault the color got moved in the first place.  Trever was our good child.  Taydem may give us some trouble!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cranky Pants

So my sister got a little cranky when she read my blog. are a few more pictures of her. Isn't she gorgeous???

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