Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Years!!

These are some of my co-workers---Kim, Me, Phillip and Natalie

We are headed to my brother's house for a "Mexican" themed New Years Party! It should be a pretty good time....

Monday, December 29, 2008

Tis the season...

Well Christmas has come and gone once again...This year was very hectic for us. It's really not the same when you don't have Christmas at your own house. I know next year will be a whole lot better being in our new home. Trever racked up again this year...he's at his mom's house right now until school starts back. Taydem got lots of toys and clothes...which I love the clothes part of it. My cousin Brian's wife brought a huge bag of her daughter's old clothes...I was so excited about that! They are 24 to 2T sizes but that didn't matter...she will be there one day. Leven and I bought 2 leather chairs a couple weeks ago for our new home so we said we weren't going to buy each other anything. Well I decided to have his newspaper article framed but it's not going to be ready until this week. So I went ahead and told him. It wasn't a Christmas gift though...well he went out and bought me a gift card for Christmas...I was so mad at him...b/c I didn't get him anything...oh well!! We bought my parents a Wii and they love it!!

Leven went hunting this past weekend with his buddy Patrick...this is his third hunting trip I might add...but this time he shot him one!! He killed a 9-point...I wish I had a picture to show...it was a beauty! He's going to have it stuffed for his "man room" in the new house.

This year has come and gone...we've had good times and bad times. A look back...
- Taydem turned 1
- Leven and I both got new jobs
- We bought and sold a house
- We moved in with my sister
- Trever went to like 5 states in a year
- I joined a gym
- Taydem started walking
- Leven got East Texas Coach of the Year
- Trever made a "B"
- Leven and I almost divorced when we first came to Longview (not really)
- Tucker was born
- We went to Cancun with some good folks
- We lost both our pets
- We lost close ones...

I really could keep going..but that's enough...I wish every one a Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Great weekend...

We got up early early Saturday morning to head to Mexia. Greg's funeral was at 11 in Teague and Leven wanted to get their early. We knew the church would be packed. We ended up getting there an hour and a half early. His funeral was really neat. He would've been pleased by it. The speakers were amazing and even if you didn't know Greg you did by the end of his funeral. The neatest part of the whole funeral was President Bill Clinton was one of the guest speakers. How cool is that...to have a president speak wonderful words about you. Greg's mother was the president's personal secretary for over 30 years. I thought it was very sincere of him to come to Teauge Texas to comfort this lady and her family. And he did just that.

We spent all day at Leven's mother's house with his brother's family. We did tons of stuff there. The boys shot guns, we shot the bow and arrow, played horseshoes, and that night we played the "family" card game together. We all had a blast...

Sunday we went to church to visit our family there and then had Christmas time with his dad's family. We all got wonderful gifts from everyone.

It really sucked this morning when I got up for work and Leven was still laying in the bed. This is the part when I miss teaching....yuk!!!
Tay and Grans

Trever shooting the targets

Tay with Uncle Johnny, and the spider!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas in MEXIA

We are heading for a visit in Mexia this weekend. Coach Huber's funeral is tomorrow morning. Leven will be a pallbearer at the funeral for the family. Then it's off to visit Ann and Mike. Leven's brother will be in town with his family as well. Then Sunday we will be with Louie and Gwen and their family....I will have new pics next week!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We lost Greg around lunch today. Please keep his family in your prayers. He was a great friend...

My cousins have also lost a great friend this past weekend. Chase is missing from a boating accident last weekend at Richland Chambers Lake. They are still in the process of finding him. PLEASE pray for his family and the divers out searching.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...

Yea, right...white Christmas?? Have we ever had a white Christmas here in East Texas?

Last night we had our company Christmas party. We had almost everyone there, with their families! Of course the whole time I had to chase Tooter Poot around the house. She's always on the go. My boss and his wife bought gifts to exchange for The Chinese Christmas game. I ended up with a set of really great knives! I needed a knife set so bad...lucky me. They also bought Taydem, Trever, and Leven a little something...very nice people.

This weekend we are heading to Mexia to do Christmas with all his family. Saturday we will be with his Mom and Mike and his brother's family. And on Sunday we will be visiting his dad and his step-mom's family. I'm sure we will make a few more visits while we are there.

Please keep Greg Huber in your prayers (Leven's coaching buddy from Teague). We got a call last night around 3. He was rushed back to the hospital and was put in ICU. The doctors said there isn't much they can do for him now...pray pray pray!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Even better...

Leven didn't get District Coach of the Year, but he was honored with EAST TEXAS COACH of the YEAR, even better!! Check out the article that was in the paper yesterday...

ET Volleyball: Coach of the year - Leven Barker

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Team: Pine Tree Lady Pirates
Record: 26-16 (Shared the District 13-4A championship with Hallsville. Defeated Kilgore in straight sets - 25-22, 25-8, 25-18 - in the bi-district playoffs and lost in the area playoffs to Waco Midway, 25-21, 11-25, 25-23, 14-25, 6-15).

You weren't hired until July 17 - about 2 1/2 weeks before practice started. How difficult was it to jump into the season with little knowledge of the players and what was the key (or keys) to being able to get everyone on the same page?
It was difficult. As a team, we were at a big disadvantage for about a month. Our first two tournaments were in the Metro-Plex at two 5A, 32-team tournaments in which we spent the night and I barely knew the kids names. It was certainly a challenge for both the kids and me. The key to gettig better was this bunch had something to prove, and they played hard from the start.
After a loss to Tyler Lee on Aug. 26, the Lady Pirates were 5-10. Pine Tree won seven of the next nine matches to enter District 13-4A play with a 12-12 record. Can you pinpoint any one thing that sort of flipped the switch for your team?
When you are 5-10, that is when you have a character check. I told this team all along they would have to deal with more adversity than any other team around. It is easy to be a team player and work hard when you are winning, but will you have that same attitude when your back is against the ball and we were definitely against the wall. I think our turning point was at the Tyler Lee Tournament. I felt that we started playing hard for each other and not just for our individual stats.
When did you know this group had the potential to be a force in the district race?
When we played Whitehouse at home, we changed into a whole different gear. They were our defending district champ, and we beat them in three that night. That's when I knew we had something going.
What is the best part about being a coach?
Dealing with a different set of kids each year and watching them grow together. There is not a better feeling than when you feel like your team has overachieved or that you as a coach migh have made a difference in one of their lives.
What is the worst part about being a coach?
I don't think there is a ''worst'' part to coaching. Every job has its ups and downs, but my job sure is fun.
Who had the biggest influence on your decision to become a coach?
My high school coach, Jack Estes, and my college coach, Jack Allen. Even though it is a different sport, they prepared me for what I am doing today.
Favorite food?
Favorite song?
Knocking on Heaven's Door
If Hollywood turned the Leven Barker Story into a movie, what actor would play you?
Jim Carrey

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sleigh bells ring...are you listening...

Getting closer every day! Here are the pics we took for Christmas...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas is so close...

I am doing so good this year with my Christmas shopping. I have like one more gift to buy. I even have all the ones that I have already bought, wrapped and under the tree. This year since all my Christmas decor is boxed up in storage I bought a little tree for the lake house. It will do for this year. Taydem has been back to her normal happy self. I still don't really know if she was teething or not. She doesn't have any new teeth yet. Makes me wonder??? I took some pics yesterday of Taydem, Aidan, and Ashby before church. They really could all be sister and brother...Meagan had her little boy-Kasen Tate...congrats!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Teething sucks...

Taydem has been miserable for a week now. And when she's miserable, the whole house is miserable. She is not a fussy baby, but I don't think she's smiled since Thanksgiving. I just wish those teeth would hurry up and pop through. She's in so much pain. She cries, kicks and screams, drools, and wakes up every two hours during the night. HELP!!! We need HELP!! Pray for this child....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving break

The three F's: Family, Friends Food!

We had a good break. Leven and Trever did some hunting. Leven shot 2 bobcats and a beaver, haha...no deer. He will be leaving for Lampasas this weekend to hunt with my brothers. Taydem is cutting teeth so bad. She walks around the house wining and moaning! It's driving me crazy and I know it's killing her. We went out Saturday night in Lousiana. It was everyone but Leven. He volunteered to stay home with the kids...sweet husband! We joined our church yesterday.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey day has started

This weekend was a very relaxed weekend. Leven got home from Austin Saturday afternoon and that night we went to Buffalo Wildwings to watch TECH vs OU with another couple. We had a great evening with them! TECH sucks!!

Today at work we had our company picture taken and we are having a Thanksgiving dinner later for lunch. Everyone brought all types of good things. I made mashed potatoes and I'm going to get Jucy's beans here in a little bit!! Oh so good!! I will defintely make it to spin class tonight after eating all this today!!

Dancing with the stars tonight! I don't really know who I want to win. I really like Lacey and Lance....

Friday, November 21, 2008

Little Dribbler

Trever had his first basketball game last night. He did so good!! He's on the A-team and plays pointguard. Leven wasn't there so I had to chase Taydem around the whole gym. That girl is so busy these days. She thinks she is way older than she is...this weekend we are hanging around the house...of course, watching some football!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Spin what?

Since joining this new gym here in Longview, I've decided to attend some of the classes they have offerd. So last night I thought I would check out the spin class. OH MY GOODNESS! After being in there for 5 minutes I thought I was going to die. There was no way I was going to make it 45 minutes. So I told myself, leave after 20 minutes. The next thing I knew it was over! I loved it. My goal is to have a firm butt and tone legs by next summer. This class ought to do it! They say you burn 500+ calories doing the spin class. I recommend it to anyone...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mexia update

So we went to Mexia this past weekend for a visit. We stayed with Leven's mom on Friday night and his dad on Saturday. We got to his mom's a little after 8 and they had some ribs waiting on us. We had a good time with them, but we had to leave early on Saturday for a busy day ahead of us. I had a baby shower to attend at 10 for Kimberly. She got sooooooo many cute outfits! Mallory will be set for some time. Her baby room is adorable! Leven visited the Brizendine's while I was there. That afternoon we went to his dad's and had chicken spaghetti that evening before heading out to The Falcon! The Brizendine's kept Trever and Taydem occupied for us. There's nothing like The Falcon. If you are ever driving through Mexia stop by and have yourself a drink. Yesterday we had breakfast and lunch with his dad and then headed on back to L-view. Let's just say we all gained a few pounds while being there...good food! So tonight it's off to spin class....I'm loving the new gym I joined. They also have a daycare where I can keep Taydem while I'm sweatin' it up!! So fun!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

A new little baby

So 1 out of 6 of my friends have had their baby. Lacey gave birth to Addyson Elizabeth last night around 10:30. She weighed in a 7 lb. 9 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long...heathly little girl. I am going to visit them at lunch. I can't wait!
We are heading to Mexia this weekend for a visit and for ANOTHER baby shower! I can't wait to see everyone...

Our house process is moving right along. We have a loan for the building process so far!! Yea..this will be a new experience for both Leven and I.

Chelsea I really do like the new do!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trever's big day

Trever had a birthday last Saturday (8th) and turned the big whopping 14! He went to visit his mom over the weekend so last night we went bowling with the family. Darin and his family were there, mom, dad, and danin. We really had a good time. We all hadn't been bowling in like 10 years. Trever got racked up on some new clothes and shoes....good times. It's hard to believe it's been almost 4 years since the first time I met him. He's really starting to get taller now and develop...haha! It's only starting...
Happy Birthday shout outs to Kimberly Meyer, Kendle Brizendine, and Danin Anthony! They all have birthdays this week....

Here are some pictures of Taydem at the Tatum football game last Friday. The little boy is Lance Pharis' son, Tyvan.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Coach of the Year?

So last night Danin, Brandi, and I made the trip to Mesquite to support Leven and his team. What a game! I never wouldv'e thought they would take Waco Midway to 5 games, but we did!! We won the 1st and 3d, but lost in the end. They really worked hard together, but Waco had a little more pull. I'm so proud of my baby for all the accomplishments he made with this team. Leven is a great coach and this season really shows it. I think he deserved "Coach of the Year" not someone else.... I'm sure all the players and parents think so as well...so now it's time to keep rooting for the Mexia LadyCats...

Here's a few pics from last nights game...the guy in the picture is Bradley. He has been following Leven's team for about 10 years now. He was a huge LadyCat fan (and still is), but since Leven moved he now has some Lady Pirate in him...He's great!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Finally home

I've been in Austin since Monday for a convention for my job. The Railroad Commission was having a training session. I'm so glad that I got to go. I needed some more training on all this stuff that I'm doing. There were 4 of us that went and we had a really good time together. We got into lots of good food and tons of shopping. Monday night we went to this new mall is Austin called The Domain. Let's just say for me it was a lot of "looking." Too many fancy stores for my budget. I did go into Macy's and they were having a huge sale. So I bought Taydem a couple of things, Trever a couple of shirts and did a little christmas shopping. We then went and ate at the Hula Hut on the lake! Tuesday were a lot of classes and then that night we ate at The Melting Pot. That place was an experience for all of us. It took about 2 hours to eat our course. I had never eaten fondue before and after that I can say it was pretty good. The cheese and dessert was by far the best part. After we ate we walked down 6th street for a little while, and ventured off into Pete's Piano Bar. Now being a Tuesday night there wasn't that many folks in there but we still enjoyed the music. It took forever to get home yesterday. We ended up stopping at the outlet mall in Round Rock for some more shopping. I finished buying for Trever's birthday and bought a few more christmas presents. I drove the whole way home (I was flying) and got us home in less than 5 hours. I missed my Taydem! It was good to be in my own bed with my hubby....

Leven plays his 2nd playoff game tonight in Mesquite against Waco Midway. He won Tuesday against Kilgore. So good luck Lady Pirates!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Weekend

This weekend our friends Patrick and Kimberly are coming for a visit. They should be here tonight. Leven and Patrick are big poker players together so I think they may go visit the boats tonight. Kim is having a little girl and is due mid February, Mallory. Tomorrow I have a baby shower at 2 for Tiffany, Tate's wife. She is due mid December and is also having a little girl, Caroline. After the shower is the big volleyball game against Pine Tree and Hallsville. They are having a playoff game to see who goes first in district since they both ended 11-1. They are playing at 5 in Tatum's gym. Tatum's new gym was finished last spring and is awesome. They are also building a million dollar softball and baseball complex. The school doesn't even look the same since I was there....and it's only been 10 years!!!! I feel so old saying that. My parents should be back from Tennessee late Sunday night. Pray for a safe trip home...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Our little snow white

This weekend went by so fast. Saturday we layed around the house and watched football and played cards. That night Leven, Tay, and I went over to one of Leven's coaches house for some hamburgers. On Sunday are church was having a fall festival called "Trunk or Treat" so we took Taydem up there for a little while. She is Snow White this year for Halloween. The festival was a little too old for her but she still enjoyed her dancing! Tomorrow is Leven's last district game. Hopefully afterwards they will be 11-1! Not to shabby for a first year coach...
What's so funny lil' skunk???

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Burfday Daddy!

Today is my dad's birthday, the big 6-1! Tonight we are going over to my parents house and having some hamburger's to celebrate. My parents are leaving this weekend for Tennessee. My grandparents have been up there since August and now they need someone to come get them. We don't let my Papaw drive up there anymore so my Uncle drove them up and flew home. That's where my grandparents are from and they enjoy going up there and staying every year. My parents will make a little vacation out of it. I wish we could join them! Maybe next time...

Taydem had tubes put in her ears yesterday. We were up there for about 3 hours total, but the surgery itself only lasted 15 minutes. The doctor said she's been hearing things as though she was under water all this time. She had that much fluid behind her ears. So now the tooter poot can hear!! It's amazing how they bounce back right after they wake up. She cried for about 15 minutes, slept for about 30 and was good to go after that.

Shout out to Danin-------> I hope things continue to work out with Clint!
I love you sista!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekends...love them!

The Lady Pirates lost their first district game on Friday to Hallsville. This gives both Pine Tree and Hallsville one loss a piece. We both still have 2 more games until they decide what to do further. Hopefully Hallsville will lose one of their 2 games left (or both) and we win both of ours to make us district champs...
This weekend was the prettiest weekend yet so far. After church on Sunday, Mom cooked everyone a delicious lunch and we played outside with the kids. Here are some of the pics!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

1990 Yearbook

I told Leven this is what I could've looked like if I graduated with him....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Contract already??

So our house has been back on the market for 2 weeks...we get a call on Monday that 2 people want it....yesterday we signed a contract! I am so excited about this...we hope this doesn't fall through this time. We've been praying and praying for this to happen...God Truly Answers Prayers....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Catch up time...

Trever made all A's this first 6 weeks...two of his classes are advanced also. So proud of him! He also is "talking" to a new girl he says...

Leven is 8-0 and plays Texas High tonight and the big game is against Hallsville on Friday. Hallsville has only lost to us so far...so it should be an exciting game.

Taydem is doing fine...she's at the stage where she throws herself on the floor and rolls around. It drives us crazy...

We have 2 people wanting to put a contract down on our house!! I'm so pumped about this..hopefully we will get one of those a contract by the end of the week...keep praying.

This morning I went and shot some photos for the new fitness center opening up in Longview. The photos will go in their brochure. It was fun! I want to be tone like the women working there that's for sure...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another win!

Lady Pirates beat Longview last night in 4 games....they have won 10 straight and 13 out of 14!
Here are some recent pics of Taydem over the weekend...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lady Pirates

Pine Tree Lady Pirates are 6-0 in district so far....

Sickness everywhere

So over the weekend Leven and I decide to head to the boats. Trever was out of town and my parents kept Taydem for us...whoo hoo no kids for a night. We were really excited, especially Leven. The night was horrible!!!! I ended up getting extremely sick at the boats and throwing up all on the lobby floor in front of everyone. I tried to get to the restroom but obviously didn't make it in time. I'm sure everyone who saw me thought, poor girl is already that drunk and it's only 8:30! So let's just say that night I spent it in the restroom at home. So much for having a good time with your husband....

On Sunday we celebrated my nephews birthday. Aidan is already 5 (his birthday is actually today!)! So we had some cake at Mom's house and visited with the family. I tried to steer clear of everyone since I was sick, but it was only a 24 hour bug and I felt fine that day. So my sister-in-law tells my mom that Truitt is throwing up today....yikes! Last night Leven got sick...he's a big baby alright...he had the same thing as Taydem and I and you would've thought he was dieing...haha! Men...I just pray that Trever and Danin don't get sick....

I took pictures of Taydem at the pumpkin patch on Saturday and I will get them up soon...Leven plays Longview tonight. His mom and her husband are coming down to watch the game...(Hey Ann, I know you will read this!)

Friday, October 3, 2008

What a night...

We were extremely tired last night so we went to bed pretty early. About 11:30 I woke up to Taydem throwing up. It was the nastiest thing ever! She's never done this before or have I ever been around a baby that has. It was all in her hair, on her face, on her clothes, stunk like poop, and I almost threw up too. So after I cleaned her up I put her back in bed (thinking she felt better) and crawled back into bed and I hear....ROUND 2! This time I had to give her a bath. So for the rest of the night the poor baby dry heaved. So we took turns checking on...it was horrible! So this morning she felt like a new baby. I'm not really sure what happened last night. I guess she picked up a little bug. Tomorrow we are going to my friend Carla's sons birthday party in Tyler. Then we are going to take Taydem to a pumpkin patch...I think Leven and I are going to the boats tomorrow night...wish us luck!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Updated pics!

I can finally upload pictures now...yeah! Here are some recent ones taken at Leven's volleyball game, Trever's football game, and moving out of our home in Mexia...

Taydem thinks it's so funny when she walks...she thinks she's so big now!
The little boy in the picture with Danin is Samuel Willie. He had a huge crush on Danin when his daddy came over to help us move.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend update

This past weekend was a very nice one. The weather was so awesome and you could just sit outside all day long. Leven won Friday night against Sulpher Springs. So that makes him 5-0 in district play. He is off tomorrow night but is going to watch Longview and Hallsville play.

My birthday is Oct. 9th and Leven has already given my birthday present to me. He gets so excited about giving gifts that he can't hide them until the right time. He did very good this year. I wanted some new perfume and he brought home a Coach purse AND some perfume...I was so suprised! I wasn't expecting a new purse at all. And he picked out a really cute one. We went to a wedding Saturday night. It was such a perfect day for a wedding...We could not keep Taydem off that dance floor. She loves to dance...it's so funny. She just started bouncing to the music that night. The dance floor was kind of dark and she kept walking right in the middle of everyone. She almost got stepped on so many times. She wore us out. But it was cute!

Pray that our house sells...we are hopeing it will this month!

Friday, September 26, 2008

What a week!

We have had bad news after bad news this week. The biggest news is our house didn't sell. The closing date on it was yesterday. We get a call on Wednesday saying the people wanted to back out. What the %$&*?? We were sick to our stomachs. Long story and lots of excuses why they backed out. Crazy stuff...but we will get the earnest money from them. So now it's back to the drawing board on that one.

Yesterday one of Leven's top players tore up her knee. He was sick again!! They say it's her MCL (i don't understand all that ACL, MCL stuff) and she could be back in 2 weeks, maybe! Thank goodness they are playing a weaker team tonight and they are off on Tuesday.

Taydem is still fighting off an ear infection that she's had for almost 2 weeks. I'm so freakin happy they decided to put tubes in. Trever's girlfriend broke up with him last night...um hello..we didn't even know he had a girlfriend. He said they just liked each other. He probably didn't know she was his girlfriend. I told him to stay away from girls at this age...they are CRAZY! She texted him saying she was crying her heart out...isn't that funny?? Young love...we've all been there...

So now I just pray that our weekend is much better than this week! Until next time...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good news!

Last night Leven's girls beat their rival Hallsville. They were both 3-0 going into district, but the Lady Pirates pulled off the "W"! It was such an exciting game to watch. My whole family was there watching and cheering them on....my dad gets so into these games!

Taydem is walking around everywhere! It is the cutest thing ever...she's learning so much. I just want to eat her up!! Trever is a little "mac" these days. He's got a woman (we think)! Danin and I bug him about it all the time. He just smiles real big and acts like it's nothing. We saw them sitting together last night at the game. She's really pretty! Of course, taller than him...but hopefully not for long.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bye bye...

Well we are officially moved out from our house in Mexia. Mom and I headed down Thursday after work and we got almost the whole house packed. We ran out of tape and newspaper so we finished the rest on Friday. I went and watched the girls play volleyball that afternoon. It was soo good seeing everyone again. Then that night Leven and I went to the football game. We made it right after half. He drove in after his game against Texas High (he won, 3-0 in district now). Then Saturday morning we got the U-Haul and began loading. Thanks for all the help it only took 2 hours!! I still can't believe we fit our whole house in there...plus three other cars were packed to the max! It was sad leaving Mexia...that was our first home together as a family.

Yesterday my brothers, Mom, Dad,sister, and sister-in-law met us at the storage unit and helped us unload. So blessed for family...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's about time...

Well finally got our power turned back on yesterday. Thank goodness! I love my parents and all but I was so sick of packing a bag every single night. This afternoon we head to Mexia for a fun filled weekend of loading up our house. If anyone wants to help us move...just come over to Huisach St. Saturday morning!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Power please?

Well we are still out of power at the lake house...so we are shacking up with the 'rents. And that is getting really old. There was so much damage done by Ike in East Texas. I couldn't believe just how much. The winds here got up to 57 mph...isn't that crazy?? So tons of trees came tumbling down all around us. The lake got hit really bad...that's one reason why we don't have power yet. Tree after tree fell on power lines. I hate that this has happened to everyone...things like this always makes us closer.

This weekend we are heading to Mexia to pack up our house. Mom, Tay, and I are going down Thursday after work and the rest of the crew will drive down Friday after Leven's game. We have a lot to do ahead of us...

Leven plays his 2nd district game tonight against Marshall. And on Friday he plays Texas High!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Recent Pics!!

There's just something about a naked baby!!

Finally I took a picture of my short cut!!


Well another hurricane is headed our way...it seems to be dying down some already. We just pray that is does even more. I have family and friends down in the Houston area, so pray for them as well...stay dry! I don't think we will get much, probably just some rain.

Leven plays his first district game tonight against Longview! They are probably in the top three in our district. I will have to rush over there once I get off work.

I took Taydem back to the doctor this morning...another ear infection. This time it's in the opposite ear. She's been sick for the past few days and now we know the cause. This time the doctor said he would send us to an Ear, Nost and Throat doctor to see about getting tubes in her ears. Thank goodness!! Sweet Aunt Dain is off today so she's taking care of my baby....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bye Bye Hair...

Well I did it...8 inches off my hair! I love it!! It's about an inch or so below my ears!! Everyone loves it (including Leven) so that was a relief. My whole life I've had long hair and wanted a change. I wish I had a picture to show.

Leven's team beat Kilgore last night...so now he's 13-13!! It was a boring game...

Here's a picture of my friends that I taught with the past three years...I miss them bunches!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well it's raining again today...pouring down, and I just washed my car on Sunday. Work is getting really busy for me now. I love it!! Leven plays Kilgore tonight and if he wins this game he will be 13-13! This afternoon I'm getting my hair cut...I think I'm going to chop it off...I've been wanting to do this for a long time but Leven talks me into leaving it long...so we will see what I'm feeling like come 4:30. Taydem took 7 steps yesterday before she fell...she thinks it's so funny when she's walking and gets all tickled and falls. She's such a drama queen...I guess that's alright since she's around a bunch of mean boys all the time. Dustin and Molly (brother and wife) are preggo AGAIN. This will be their third child and we are all praying for a little girl!! Taydem would love to have a girl cuz!

Monday, September 8, 2008


We had a pretty good weekend....Leven beat Henderson Friday night giving him a record of 12-13. He plays Kilgore tomorrow night. Tatum got their butts kicked Friday by Jefferson...

Saturday we sat around the house all day waiting on Leven to get home from the JV tournament. We were supposed to go to Mexia Saturday afternoon and do some packing and get the yard mowed....BUT he didn't get finished with the tournament until almost 5...they did win the tournament though!! So we decided to stay home. We went out to eat and then played Putt-Putt. I haven't played Putt-Putt in like 10 years probably. We had a good "family" bonding time. I will add I made 5 hole in ones to Leven and Trever's 2!! And sweet little Taydem didn't cry on time...she loves being outside.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Short week...

This week flew by since not having to go into work on Monday.

Yesterday Trever has his first football scrimmage. It was an innersquad scrimmage, A team against B team. Trever plays the center for the B team. Leven went and watched and said he was the loudest on the field, of course. There are some really big boys in his grade they both tell me. So I guess that will be good in the future....

Tonight Leven plays in Henderson. Since they play so early I will be missing this game. Instead I'm going to the Tatum football game. They are actually playing against Jefferson at Pine Tree stadium. Tatum's football stadium is still going through tons of work right now and it still isn't finished. They got a huge jumbo tron, their field house got a makeover and new press box. Danin said it looks like a mini college football stadium!

Tomorrow we are headed to Mexia. Leven needs to mow and I'm going to start packing up boxes. In a few weeks we will head back and load up everything in a U-Haul. It feels so good to say that...Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The Lady Pirates BEAT the Whitehouse girls last night! Leven said they were "super excited" after the win. This group of girls have never beaten Whitehouse in the past so you know how that feels. They did so well in everything...passing, serving, and putting the ball where they weren't! I think I had my whole family there (except Dustin and Molly). My nephews are crazy and of course wouldn't sit still. They were just happy to be there....and with each other!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away....

Leven's girl's got second in the Gold bracket at their tournament! We had a great weekend with Jeni and Briget. I actually got to go out for a change, which was nice. We spent all day Sunday at the lake and playing volleyball. Taydem loves the lake!! She just played and played all day and by 7:30 that night, she was in BED!! Leven has another home game tonight against Whitehouse. This morning Taydem actually went to her daycare teacher and didn't even cry! We are making some progress.

I have a feeling it's going to be raining for awhile.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Time for the weekend.....

This weekend Leven's girls are in the Tyler Tournament. Tonight they play Groesbeck (Mexia's rival) at 6:30. Isn't that crazy? I'm sure Groesbeck will want to kick Pine Tree's butt for good just b/c Leven is the coach. Good Luck Lady Pirates!

This weekend Danin's friend's Jeni and Bridget are coming to hang out and Leven's friend Billy will also join us. We will probably go out on the lake for our last summer outing!! Fun fun....

Monday...NO WORK!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


On Tuesday Trever started football practice as a Pirate! We all know when you go to a bigger school, there's going to be more kids. So after the first day of practice he was placed on the 5th STRING! I didn't even know there was a 5th string. So of course he was really bummed out about it. Leven told him to keep his head high and work hard like he knows how and it will pay off. So yesterday after practice he was moved to the B TEAM!! Huge jump. The coach told Leven that Trever is the best leader they have on the team. I was so excited for him. He also already had homework last night. Trever is extremely smart in math so he is getting his first taste of ALGEBRA 1!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So right now I have 6 of my friends who are preggo. Kristen was pregnant but I believe she had hers today....welcome Kinsley Kay Vest! So the others are Meagan-Dec, Lacey-Nov, Brittany-Dec, Tiffany-Dec, Kimberly-Feb and Samantha-March!! Crazy huh?? So this means...LOTS OF BABY SHOWERS!

Tonight Leven has his 2nd home game, against Whitehouse. But he has asked me and my sister to head to another game tonight to SCOUT!! I just thought my coaching days were over. And my little mini me is going with us. We have to take turns playing with her at the game so the other one can watch. Then we switch!! She's a mess right now.

OMG! I am going to gain like 10 pounds if I don't start working out. I sit behind a desk all day now and I have all these great places to go eat lunch now!! I need a workout plan...and then stick with it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend update!

Yesterday we had Taydem's birthday at my parent's (so thankful for them) house. I think she had a pretty good 1st birthday. We had tons of family and a few friends there. Leven's parents both drove in for the occasion. We had a slipin' slide and a huge blowup slide for the kiddos. We are so blessed to be surrounded by loving people. Taydem got hooked up on all the presents. Little girl clothes are the cutest!! She wasn't too crazy about the cake. She didn't know what to do with it at first. Overall it was a very memorable 1st!

Today is Trever and Taydem's first day of school (well daycare for the little tot). Trever was sooo nervous last night and this morning. It's always hard being new at something, especially school. Taydem of course cried when I dropped her off. I walked away from her and then HAD to go back to make sure she was ok. She had already stopped crying when I peeked back in the door.

Here are a few pics from the party!!