Friday, October 3, 2008

What a night...

We were extremely tired last night so we went to bed pretty early. About 11:30 I woke up to Taydem throwing up. It was the nastiest thing ever! She's never done this before or have I ever been around a baby that has. It was all in her hair, on her face, on her clothes, stunk like poop, and I almost threw up too. So after I cleaned her up I put her back in bed (thinking she felt better) and crawled back into bed and I hear....ROUND 2! This time I had to give her a bath. So for the rest of the night the poor baby dry heaved. So we took turns checking was horrible! So this morning she felt like a new baby. I'm not really sure what happened last night. I guess she picked up a little bug. Tomorrow we are going to my friend Carla's sons birthday party in Tyler. Then we are going to take Taydem to a pumpkin patch...I think Leven and I are going to the boats tomorrow night...wish us luck!

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