Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Weekend

This weekend our friends Patrick and Kimberly are coming for a visit. They should be here tonight. Leven and Patrick are big poker players together so I think they may go visit the boats tonight. Kim is having a little girl and is due mid February, Mallory. Tomorrow I have a baby shower at 2 for Tiffany, Tate's wife. She is due mid December and is also having a little girl, Caroline. After the shower is the big volleyball game against Pine Tree and Hallsville. They are having a playoff game to see who goes first in district since they both ended 11-1. They are playing at 5 in Tatum's gym. Tatum's new gym was finished last spring and is awesome. They are also building a million dollar softball and baseball complex. The school doesn't even look the same since I was there....and it's only been 10 years!!!! I feel so old saying that. My parents should be back from Tennessee late Sunday night. Pray for a safe trip home...

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