Monday, December 29, 2008

Tis the season...

Well Christmas has come and gone once again...This year was very hectic for us. It's really not the same when you don't have Christmas at your own house. I know next year will be a whole lot better being in our new home. Trever racked up again this year...he's at his mom's house right now until school starts back. Taydem got lots of toys and clothes...which I love the clothes part of it. My cousin Brian's wife brought a huge bag of her daughter's old clothes...I was so excited about that! They are 24 to 2T sizes but that didn't matter...she will be there one day. Leven and I bought 2 leather chairs a couple weeks ago for our new home so we said we weren't going to buy each other anything. Well I decided to have his newspaper article framed but it's not going to be ready until this week. So I went ahead and told him. It wasn't a Christmas gift though...well he went out and bought me a gift card for Christmas...I was so mad at him...b/c I didn't get him anything...oh well!! We bought my parents a Wii and they love it!!

Leven went hunting this past weekend with his buddy Patrick...this is his third hunting trip I might add...but this time he shot him one!! He killed a 9-point...I wish I had a picture to was a beauty! He's going to have it stuffed for his "man room" in the new house.

This year has come and gone...we've had good times and bad times. A look back...
- Taydem turned 1
- Leven and I both got new jobs
- We bought and sold a house
- We moved in with my sister
- Trever went to like 5 states in a year
- I joined a gym
- Taydem started walking
- Leven got East Texas Coach of the Year
- Trever made a "B"
- Leven and I almost divorced when we first came to Longview (not really)
- Tucker was born
- We went to Cancun with some good folks
- We lost both our pets
- We lost close ones...

I really could keep going..but that's enough...I wish every one a Happy New Year!!

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