Monday, September 8, 2008


We had a pretty good weekend....Leven beat Henderson Friday night giving him a record of 12-13. He plays Kilgore tomorrow night. Tatum got their butts kicked Friday by Jefferson...

Saturday we sat around the house all day waiting on Leven to get home from the JV tournament. We were supposed to go to Mexia Saturday afternoon and do some packing and get the yard mowed....BUT he didn't get finished with the tournament until almost 5...they did win the tournament though!! So we decided to stay home. We went out to eat and then played Putt-Putt. I haven't played Putt-Putt in like 10 years probably. We had a good "family" bonding time. I will add I made 5 hole in ones to Leven and Trever's 2!! And sweet little Taydem didn't cry on time...she loves being outside.

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