Saturday, March 29, 2014

Good with the Bad


They say when it rains, it pours. 

My poor TayTay is sick with the flu. She woke up Friday morning saying that her head was hurting.  Of course, at first, I thought she was only saying this so she could stay home with me for the day and miss school. But I took her temperature and she had over 100. Poor thing. So I gave her some Tylenol and she slept from 7-12! She felt better once she woke up so I just figured it was some 24 hour virus or something. This morning Leven had to wake up early and drive to Shreveport to watch his girls play volleyball so he checked her before he left and said she was burning up. So he gave her Tylenol before he left. After he left I laid there for just a little while and decided to check her temp again. This time 103! Ugh. I called my mom and she said she would drive into Longview with me to take her to see a doc. [Since I'm about to pop any day now, I don't like going anywhere by myself. You just never know when I could go into labor.]  The doc tested her for the flu and what do you know....positive. So my parents are keeping her tonight and tomorrow night. We don't want her in the apartment or really anywhere near me. It breaks my heart. Hopefully by tomorrow her fever will be gone and she won't be contagious anymore. My parents had a party tonight so Lev is actually at my parents with Tay and I'm here. Sucks! But we can't chance myself or Tenlee getting sick.  Keep us all in your prayers.   

So that's the bad news.....

Good news is we have less than 2 DAYS before we get to meet our new little bundle! Honestly it hasn't even hit me. I guess because we have so much going on and now with Tay being sick. But Monday morning as we drive to the hospital I will start freaking out. I just want everything to go smoothly for her and for me. My mom and Leven will be in the room again and this time Danin will be. I told her since she never got to experience a natural birth she could witness this one.  She's also going to be my photographer!! 

     I leave you with the last of my     
                     belly pictures. 

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