Monday, March 24, 2014

Wittle baby

My sister beat me to the punch!
My new precious and beautiful baby niece was born yesterday at 1:35 pm.  She weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz and was 20.5 inches long.  She was almost 4 weeks early!! Can you imagine how big she would've been if she was a full term baby. Good Golly Miss Molly!
My sister went back to the hospital for the 3rd time on Friay night with high blood pressure and a major headache that she had all day.  They kept her all day Saturday and they were thinking they would probably go ahead and take Baylee either Monday or Tuesday.  But Sunday morning rolled around and Danin had protein in her urine which was a def sign that she had preclampsia and the baby needed to be out that day. C-Section babies are so quick and so beautiful.  They don't have to go through all that stress of going through the birth canal and the Momma gets rolled in and rolled out in no time.  But I hear the recovery is much worse for the momma than a natural delivery.  So I guess you get the good with the bad.
I stayed up at the hospital all day and finally left about 8:30.  Danin needed some help trying to get Baylee to breastfeed and it was just Eric and I so I told her I would stay longer and help.  Baylee looks like her daddy for sure.  I guess the Turner's have some strong genes!!

  Proud Daddy!
 Proud Aunt!

 Baylee Monroe Turner
So now it's my turn.  I am getting more and more excited about next Monday.  I don't look for her to make her arrival early.  So I must be patient and enjoy these last 7 days. I go back to see my doctor on Wednesday.  And I've decided to take off Thursday and Friday from work.  I deserve a little break, right? I try to be "wonder woman" all the time, but in this case I need to think about my health and Tenlee's health. 

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