Monday, March 17, 2014

Braxton Hicks

I stayed home from work last Friday.  I think I got about an hour sleep the night before and my stomach was cramping like crazy.  I believe after my doctor visit on Thursday and after she "checked" me, she must have got this whole labor thing started somewhat.  All weekend my stomach cramped on and off.  I didn't really think anything of it, until last night.  The cramps were a little stronger and my stomach would tighten and then release.  So I'm thinking now that this must be the Braxton Hicks everyone always talks about.  With Taydem I never experienced any of this because they broke my water at the hospital and the pain started then! So maybe, just maybe...Tenlee is trying to make her appearance!
Danin was admitted into the hospital last Friday.  She had high blood pressure and they wanted to monitor her and the baby.  Once her BP went down she was released Friday night.  But guess what? She's back in the hospital again today.  All weekend she was put on bedrest but her BP was still high yesterday.  Hopefully it goes back down so she can go home again tonight.  If not, then Baylee will be getting here before Tenlee. 
Saturday morning I helped host a baby shower for my good friend, Kristin.  She's 6 weeks behind me and she's having a baby boy! And this will also be her first. The shower was so beautiful and Kristin received some really nice things!
Saturday night (since Danin was in bed all day) my brother in law asked us if we wanted to come over for some hamburgers.  Danin said Eric was bouncing off the walls from boredom.  So Leven jumped all over that offer.  And the burgers were excellent!

Sunday we didn't go to church.  I just really want to soak up as much resting as I can possible.  Especially since I'm going to work up until it's go time.  Taydem had been begging me for like 2 weeks to take her to the circus in Carthage.  First of all, Carthage is not a very large town so if any kind of circus is going to be there, it's probably going to be a little "rink a dink" one.  But I want to spend as much time as possible with Taydem before the baby gets here.  So Leven and I headed to the circus yesterday with Taydem and our niece and nephew.  Of course, it was pretty ghetto...ha! But the kids loved it.  And that's what matters. 

Leven said he was so happy that he went to a circus and got to see some horses, camels and poodles! lol

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