Friday, March 7, 2014

Soon and Very Soon

All day yesterday my stomach was doing all kinds of weird things.  I'm not sure if it was gas pains or Tenlee letting me know that she is tired of being cramped up inside.  Some of the pains hurt, some were just uncomfortable and some just drove me crazy.  She moved ALL day long, really up until I finally fell asleep.  So with all that being said....I packed mine and Tenlee's hospital bags last night.  You just never know. But this is the first time I think that she may come early.
Leven has officially started track meets for this season.  He had one last Friday night (they won the meet), he had one last night (they won the meet) and then he has one tonight.  He loves track! But it can be a lot of work.  Plus the weather is not always in your favor.  While he's outside standing all night in the cold, Taydem and I will be all cuddled up on the couch or in the bed watching some TV!!
He told me this morning that at least I don't have to stand up all night in the cold.  I came back least you CAN stand up all night in the cold.  I wouldn't last 10 minutes out there before I started looking for a chair. 
Trever leaves today for Kansas.  Two of his best buddies are playing baseball up there at a Junior College and he is dying to go visit.  Plus it's SPRING BREAK! He needs a break from all his hard work.  Pray for his safety as he travels to and from. 
With me being pregnant the last 8 months I didn't even realize until yesterday that school is almost out for the summer.  Good gosh! Taydem and I were talking about first grade yesterday and it kind of freaked me out.  I've been so busy with the baby and selling the house, time just slipped by.  Taydem has now decided she wants to be a cheerleader instead of a dancer! She is loving gymnastics. 
Thank goodness for internet these days...right? At 10:00 I'm going to watch the Tatum boys basketball game right from my computer at work.  And I can't wait to see the "sea of green" in the stands! It's perfect. I can sit here and enter invoices and watch the game at the same time. SCORE! The game is on FoxSportsSouthwest!
 Maybe I will see my family in the stands!
I'm leaving you with this today:
This cracks me up.  Although Leven is a high school girls coach (and not in the oil field)....sometimes this is what I think he feels like after a long day with all those girls!
I couldn't do it!
Have a great weekend

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