Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I told you yesterday that Taydem wanted her hair cut shorter....
drum roll please.....
I think it turned out cute and she loves it.
Here's another side by side view.....
drum roll please....
.....of my sister and I.  This is the first time we've done this since being pregnant together.  I think it's a pretty neat picture and it's a once in a lifetime photo op for the both of us.  Who do you think is bigger?? I think we are pretty close in comparison.  I'm just glad my sister took an actual "belly shot" of herself.  We have less than a month away before we meet our baby girls....Baylee Monroe and Tenlee Rose!
My feet and ankles have really been good to me lately.  Not much swelling at all.  But the belly and back are killing me.  Sunday morning I had to tackle a few stairs (in heels, what was I thinking?) and I was so out of breath.  Leven stopped and waited for me at the top of the stairs, smiling really big at me! I told him not to make any comment, it's hard carrying an extra 35 pounds of weight when you aren't used to it.  He's only comment was, "That's how I feel every day!" Good answer Leven, good answer!
We found out last night who's Tee Ball team Taydem was on.  The girl is excited and she doesn't even know how to use her ball glove yet.  Where is Trever when we need him?  She does well hitting.  She doesn't even need a tee because she can hit it when we toss pitch to her, but Tee Ball is what she'll have to play this year.  She's on a team with my nephew Tucker and some of our friends children.  I'm excited.  The only down fall is I will have just had Tenlee when games begin.  Glad she will have my brother to hitch rides with to and from games and practices.  
Speaking of the game of baseball....check out this picture of Leven back in the day.  I love seeing old pictures of him because I didn't know him then. 

1 comment:

Lacy Frazier said...

i just cant believe how big Taytem is!!! omg what a darlin! :D miss you!
ps why werent you and danin born twins bc you look exactly alike lol love yall!!