Monday, May 12, 2014

Back at it........... that is.

Oh wait...I forgot...I RECENTLY HAD A BABY!!
Today Tenlee is 6 weeks old.  Can you believe it? I haven't blogged not one time since I've been on maternity leave.  It's been a really wonderful 6 weeks being home with Tenlee but I'm actually happy to be back at work! 
She was born on Monday, March 31 at 6:58 pm.  They broke my water about 7:30 that morning but baby girl didn't want to show her face.  Just like Taydem, it took all day for me to start dilating.  But once I hit the 7 mark, I began pushing less than an hour later.  I'm not sure if you remember, but Taydem had the flu during all this and she had been staying with my parents.  Well I was worried sick about her right before I began pushing.  I wanted my mom in the room with me so my friend Natalie had Taydem earlier that day.  But right when Tenlee was about to come, Taydem was being tossed around and I didn't know where she was or what was going on.  I started having a panic attack (I'm guessing that's what it was!).  Once I found out my dad took her home with him I began to calm down a little.  (Taydem OR my mother didn't hold Tenlee until like a week after she was born.  We wanted to make sure they weren't going to get baby girl sick. Yes, it killed my mother!! Thank the Lord we have them close by to help out when needed.) But they still had the oxygen mask on me to help with my nerves.  Something else weird right hand went stiff on me.  I literally could not move it.  It felt paralized and it freaked me out...another reason for the oxygen.  Also my mouth was numb and I couldn't talk...weird weird feeling.  Again, more oxygen.  My mom and my sister were the best!! My mom never stopped rubbing my hand and talking to me and my sister was counting like a champ! She was also constantly putting a wash cloth on my forhead.  They were my cheerleaders.  You ask, where was Leven? Well I think he was freaked out by watching me freak out.  Earlier that day while getting my epidural, he was in the room and it was not good.  It took them over 30 minutes to get it in and it didn't work.  I was in so much pain and it was killing Leven.  So 2 hours later they were giving me another epidural.  I told Leven not to stay with me that time.  Again, it took about 30 minutes (yes, I cried...well tears were falling!) but this time it worked.  And it was lovely! So while I was pushing, Leven stayed behind all the action.  I pushed for about 15 minutes, about 7 good pushes and out she came! She came out with her eyes open! It was the craziest thing.  She was so alert and still today at 6 weeks she is alert. 
She's a really good baby. Loves to smile. Loves when you talk to her. Never cries unless she's hungry or tired.  And she already knows who her Momma is.  The Sweetest.Thing.Ever!!
Taydem adores her.  She's my little helper.  Actually more like my BIG helper.  Taydem get this, Taydem get that.  So glad I waited 6 years before having another one. 
I have my 6 weeks doctor check up this afternoon.  My body is back to normal EXCEPT the extra 20 pounds I still need to lose.  This is going to be a challenge for me! Grrrrrrr!


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