Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Getting it done

Busy as a bee....
We enjoyed our Memorial Day weekend.  It was our first EVER Memorial Day NOT to go to Lake Cherokee.  My boss had his annual crawfish boil but I was a little under the weather so Leven ended up going for a little while without me.  We knew having an 8 week old that we weren't planning on getting Dad's boat out this year and getting out in the crowd at the island.  It honestly felt weird not doing all of it.  But again, it was kind of nice.  We did go over to our friends house for a little pool party on Sunday after church for the kids to swim and for the parents to relax and visit and chow down.  Us ladies are all slowly making some improvements on our diets but we all need to get more SURIOUS! At least that's what we keep saying.  I know I will eventually get it off, it will just take time.  It's not just going to fall off in 8 weeks.  So I'm not going to stress over it. 
Last night Molly, Chrissy and I had the opportunity to record our song "Battle Hym of the Republic" that we sang in church a couple of years ago.  Our choir has recorded several CD's in the past and this CD is all the "favorites!"  So we were honored our song got chosen.  It was a little nerve racking doing the recording because it's all a cappella.  So if one of us messes up, then it messes the other two up. Yikes! It took us almost 2 hours to get it finished.  I can't wait to hear the final product. 
 And while I was singing my little heart out, Leven was talking his heart out. Carthage had their athletic banquet last night with all the varsity sports together.  The picture below is some of Leven's volleyball girls.  He tells his girls to have volleyball on their minds ALL the time and they show up with their volleyball tights under their dresses. 
The cutest thing EVER!

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