Thursday, May 15, 2014

Diets are for the birds

Did I tell you I'm on a diet?  Really for the first time in my life!! I've always just watched what I've eaten and worked out.  But I need to lose 25 lbs so I need to do something drastic.  A bunch of us that live in Tatum have decided to weigh every Monday and measure ourselves every two weeks.  We will do this for 6 weeks and if we get results we will continue.  We also keep a journal of what we eat for the day and every Monday we trade journals with someone.  So the first week of doing this, I gained 1 pound...figures.  I'm not going to get discouraged.  I'm just going to keep what I'm doing and do better over the weekends.  Pray for us all :)
Over the weekend Taydem had a pretty big spot come up on her face.  I thought she got bit by an insect or something so I doctored it up and we put a bandaid on it.  By Monday she had 4 more spots appear on her face.  Long story short- Infantigo! It's going around her school so I just assumed that's what it was.  Sure enough I took her to the doctor and I was right.  If something is going around that school, I promise my child will get it! I'm just glad we got some antibiotics before it got worse. 
My sister's girls
 Infantigo strikes!
 Tenlee already knows who her crazy Momma is!
I am constantly in her face making noises and silly faces. 
She loves it!

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