Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Who gets a dang cold in the middle of May------ ME!
I am so sick of having to blow my nose. 

Taydem had her Tball party last night and it ended up turning into some what of a practice.  We found out that we are going to make up one of our games that we missed from bad weather.  We will be playing the Ranger's again.  They were the only team that beat us so I guess it's our turn for revenge.  But again folks, it's just tball!

Trever is still get to umpire quite a few games because of all the make up games.  The older kids get to make theirs up.  I guess there's are a little more important :)! So usually he drops in to say hello.  I took of picture of the three kiddos last night before he headed out!
Big age differences, huh?
 And this here is my beautiful niece, Macy, on her Prom Night!
We wish they lived closer to us.

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