Tuesday, March 1, 2016

On the move

My parents love to go. Anywhere, really.  When they have some time off from dad's busy schedule (yes, he's supposed to be retired) or from grandkids activites, they take off and hit the road.  And I'm so glad they do.  They deserve too.  After raising us 4 kids all those years and going and doing everything to help us succeed in life....I don't blame them one bit! They should take advantage of every opportunity.  It keeps them young! Just look at the pictures below.  They headed to Galveston this past weekend to relax and enjoy some time away from home.  They have several more vacations scheduled for this year. One day....Leven and I will do the same!
You only have one life.  That's all God gave us.  Don't take it for granted.  Go and see as much as you can while you are here on earth.  Create a "Bucket List" and do everything you can to complete it.  And meet as many people along the way.  Be friendly. Be KIND.  Be respectful.
Everyone is different.  We all need to learn to accept that.  We may not agree or like it, but show respect for differences. 
I have enjoyed reading Rory Fleek's blog these past few months.  If you have some time, start at the very beginning and read it all.  This man. The love for his wife.  His words.
Their story will bless you.  I promise. 
Joey + Rory's newest album "Hymns" is a must have!
All my favorites on one CD with a loving sincere BEAUTIFUL voice.
Keep them both in your prayers as Joey is fighting for her life.
With that being said-don't take YOUR life for granted......

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