Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tenlee Rose

Happy Birthday to our little baby toddler!!! 
Where did the time go?  How many times a week do we say this? 
Two years ago, we were getting me all hooked up to monitors and getting ready to break my water at this time.  Since I was induced it was an all day affair.  Took forever! She was born around 6:30 that evening.  Long long day.  Taydem was diagnosed with the flu a couple of days before and so my mom was staying home with her.  Neither myself or Tenlee needed to be around Taydem during this time.  My mom was so afraid to come see Tenlee after she was born.  I think it was almost a week before she did! Those first 6 months are usually the hardest with a newborn.  And now, she's working on getting potty trained! Can't wait until that day comes!
This morning I had a meeting at work at 6:00 am, so I laid out her clothes for Leven and put some brownies next to his wallet and keys to drop off at her daycare today.  I hated not being there, so I "face timed" them when I knew they were getting ready to leave.  I caught them in the truck and wished her Happy Birthday.  And Taydem had to let me know that she put some leftover Chicken N Rice in a dish, warmed it up, and wrapped that silver stuff around it (foil) to keep it warm until lunch time.  She also packed herself some goldfish and fruit gummies, haha!
Tenlee is starting to repeat what we say and she can communicate with us pretty well. She has been sleeping with Taydem really good since November and I'm thinking I'm about to break down her crib.  She doesn't want anything to do with that anymore.  Then maybe I can start working on her room.  When we moved in, I didn't do much to her room, because I knew she would be out of the baby stage soon.  Now I can make it more like a big girls room.  She's our cuddle bug.  Loves to still be rocked (I usually have want to rock her 4 times a week).  Every now and then she will just go get in bed with Taydem.  Now she lets me know when she's tired and when she's read to rock. It's the sweetest thing.  I can't tell you how many pictures I've taken of her in my arms asleep!
She completes our family!

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