Wednesday, March 30, 2016

He is RISEN....

...He is RISEN indeed!
Easter Sunday was a good one like always.  We got up early, put on our Sunday best, gave the girls their little Easter baskets and headed to Longview for church at
After church we headed to my parent's to take pictures as a family.  We have been doing this for my whole life! My mom takes each of our family pictures every year and puts them in a frame that hangs on her wall.  So we all know to get a family picture for her. 
We were missing our boy though.
After pictures were taken, we all headed down to my Meme's house.  Meme is 92 and holidays are her most favorite simply because she can have everyone there with her at once.  She loves for us to call and visit with her as often as possible, but having us all together is a treat.  It's a treat for everyone! We ate GOOD (as always!) and then visited for a little bit before the kids started bugging us to hide the easter eggs.  Young or old....everyone loves this.  Us adults have fun hiding the eggs and the kids run out as fast as they can collecting as many as possible.  The kids are getting older so we have started hiding eggs with money in them to make it more challenging for the older ones.  The weather was so perfect.  All week it had been calling for some rain, but it all stayed away. 
We love when the weather guys are wrong!

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