Thursday, March 3, 2016

"Oh the places you will go...."

 This week is Texas Public Schools Week. Everyday there is a different theme for the kids to dress up as.  Yesterday was Dr. Seuss Day so the kids got to dress up like any Dr. Seuss character.  The past two years, Taydem has dress up as The Cat in the Hat.  This year I asked her if she wanted to try Cindy Lou Who.  Of course she was all about it.  Now, how to get that hair like that.  I go to YouTube for any kind of "how to" video.  They are soooo awesome AND helpful!  So I watched a couple and got the idea down.  Now just doing it.  I try not to stress anymore over stuff like this.  So if I could get it somewhat similar, then that would be good enough.  And Taydem hasn't hit that stage of everything needing to be perfect.  I hope she skips over this and stays cool, calm and collected.  I was actually pretty impressed with myself.  And she loved it! Which is what I was looking for.  My niece, Austyn, also chose Cindy Lou Who and she looked so cute! I told Taydem when I dropped her off at school that morning that she needed a picture with Austyn.  So she got it done! One of her teachers sent me the picture of the two of them. 

Today was western day and this morning was "Donuts with Dad."  Leven went and ate with Taydem and you would've thought he bought her a new pony.  She was so excited.  It's the little things, right?

Taydem also started softball.  She is loving it this year.  First time that she's actually interested in it.  Taydem is pretty athletic and the older she gets, the more it shows.  Leven took her to practice last night since I had volleyball practice and I will take her tomorrow since Leven has a track meet. 
Busy Barker's!
Tenlee turns 2 at the end of this month (literally, March 31).  This year my sister and I have decided to throw her's and Baylee's birthday together.  It's just easier since they are only 8 days apart. It's going to be an Ice Cream Party.  Danin and I are so much a like so it will be a simple but sweet party for the two of them.  Neither of us are very creative, but we will make it happen!

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