Monday, March 7, 2016

Sunny warm days

This weekend was so awesome.  And now we have tons of rain heading our way.
Friday night, Leven had a track meet and I was determined to get our garage storage closet organized and I didn't want to wait on Leven to do. When we moved in we pretty much just threw stuff in that closet to get it out of the way. So now it needed major attention.  I stopped and bought a metal shelfing unit on my way home from work and got busy that night.  I was so proud of myself. 
Got it done and it looks 10x better. 
Saturday, I had an 8:00 am hair appointment (which kills me because I love my Saturday lazy mornings) to start off my day.  Then I met Danin, Chelsea, Alicia and their girls at the playground to let the kids play for a bit.  After that we headed fishing.  We went to my Meme's ponds first and then ended the day at my Aunt and Uncle's farm.  Between us all, we caught around 10.  Then it was back to the house to pick weeds in the flowerbeds and clean out the garage. 
 Saturday was a busy FUN day. 
My weeds are crazy.  I went 10 ft and it took me 20 minutes.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to hire someone to come clean them up.   

Sunday the girls and I headed to church.  It was my Sunday to work in the nursery and Leven had to go to an umpiring clinic.  He loved umpiring last year and wanted to do again.  He likes that extra money in his pocket! After church, we ate lunch with Danin and Eric and then we all headed to Gladewater to Mrs. Lee's Daffodil Garden. 
I've been wanting to take the girls to this for a few years now.  But either volleyball tournaments or rain has kept me from getting them there.  There's just a short time to see these flowers in bloom.
I can mark this off my East Texas Bucket List now. 

After the daffodils, I had a baby shower to attend.  It was on our way home, so we dropped by just for a little bit.  With Tenlee, we can't stay long!!!
Then that evening we headed to my parent's house for a fish fry with the family.  About every 3 months, they like to get us all together and celebrate birthdays.  This time we celebrated Jan, Feb and March birthdays.  There are so many of us now, we have birthdays in every month.....except July I believe!
With that kind of weekend, I was worn out this morning and did NOT want to get up for work. 

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