Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29th!

This weather is crazy.  We didn't really have a winter at all this year.  I'm so ready to start working in my flowerbeds, but I'm afraid the minute I do, a cold front will blow through.  So I will continue loving this weather and patiently wait another month before flowerbed time. 
 Saturday was just beautiful.  Danin and I had to run a few errands in Longview so we took our crazy 4.  Yes...crazy.  I will NOT bring Tenlee into another clothing store until she's like 5!! Her and Baylee were running around like they owned the place.  Grabbing anything and everything they could get their hands on.  Tenlee is at the stage where she has learned to run from me.  Good gosh! So thankful for my Taydem! Before we headed home, we stopped by a new sonic that has a nice sand volleyball court and playground area.  At their ages, they aren't afraid of anything.  Tenlee tries to climb anything in front of her.  And I was pretty impressed with her skills.  They had fun and I had to get on to a group of OLDER kids horseplaying! They almost knocked me down and then like 10 seconds later they were pushing each other too close to the girls.  Uh...get away!

My volleyball team played so good yesterday! We beat both of the teams we played.  Every time I see them they are improving more and more.  I have one more month with them.  I seriously can't believe it's almost over.  We started practice at the beginning of December!!!
Fun fun group!

The Anthony family got THE postcard from Family Feud! Exciting, but we STILL aren't guaranteed  being flown to Atlanta for a taping.  The post card reads:

"Congratulations! Your family has been selected as POTENTIAL contestants for Family Feud.  You are now in our active file and we MAY contact you for a taping.  Receiving this postcard does NOT guarantee you an appearance on the show......."

But we are that much closer, right? I will keep you posted....

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