Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Family Feud

My family tried out for the game show FAMILY FEUD back on February 13th down in Houston.  The 5 of us that went were Me, Danin, Darin, Chrissy and Molly.  Chrissy saw that they were coming to Houston and mentioned it to all of us.  So we decided on which 5 would like to go (and be good at it!) and then we jumped on it.  I created a video with pictures of us and everyone sent me a short video of themselves.  I put it all together and sent it in to the show.  The next day we got an email asking us to send them one of our contact information along with what day and time we can be at the tryouts in Houston! That first email had us freaking out.  {I'm sure anyone who sent in a video got a tryout---but still, we were pumped!} So we made the 4 hour drive to Houston that morning, stopped for lunch and then headed to the downtown area.  Once we got there we were put in a room (1 of 4) with about 300 other people.  The casting director got up and introduced herself and told us how this tryout was going to work. 

Here's what we got out of it: be loud, have fun, be good at the game, high-five/jump up and down/hug each other as often as possible, be positive towards one another, and if you feel stupid then you are doing it all right!! So we thought "WE GOT THIS!".  Thank goodness we weren't first.  I felt so sorry for those two families.  They were the guinea pigs for sure. After about 10 families going (we critique them all while sitting there.  "No don't do that, ooooo they are good, let's don't forget that, etc") the Anthony family was called up on deck! We seriously jumped up and screamed like we just won the lottery.  Well Darin didn't.  He stayed seated and told the lady next to him he was our driver, bahahah! We moved up front ready for our turn. 

Anthony family you are up! So we lined up and the captain (ME!) had to introduce everyone to get us started.  I have gotten use to stanging up and talking in front of people so I knew what I was going to say and just did it. Loud and Proud! Then it was time for me and their captain to start off the game.  Of course Steve Harvey wasn't there (Duh!) so another lady was calling out the questions {would love her job btw}.  We had no board to go off of so we had to listen closely.

"100 people surveyed-top 7 answers on the board" 

"What are eskimos known for?" I hit that buzzer fast and hard and yelled "IGLOOS!!!" #1 answer so now it's my family's turn.  Chrissy was next and she said "kisses!" (how perfect was that answer?) Ding ding ding, it was up there.  Now on to Darin.....Darin....let's go Darin...?? He had that OMG look on his face. (He says he never heard the question and he was trying to go off of what me and Chrissy said.  He heard Igloos and all he could think about was someting to do with SNOW!! BUT, the casting director said NEVER to say "I don't know" or just flat out don't give an answer.) So with a lot of confidence Darin gave the answer, "Building a snowman!!"  Seriously I almost died out laughing.  It was the funniest thing coming from him.  Eskimos are known for building snowmen?? bahahaha! Big X, wasn't up there.  Now it's Molly's turn---she said FISHING! Yes, up there.  On to Danin.  OMG, I got really nervous for her for about 3 seconds.  She couldn't think so she asked the lady to repeat the question (smart Danin smart!).  Which the lady did and then Danin said, "their big jackets??" Yes, it was up there (parkas)!!! So then it was back to me.  With Danin's help that made me think of those big jackets having fur around the hoods so I yelled out, "HUNTING!" Yes, it was up there.  Chrissy's next answer was "THEY ARE FROM ALASKA?" Nope, second X.  Darin was ready to finally jump on board since he now realized we were talking about Eskimos and he yelled out, "DOG SLEEDING!" Yes-up there! So now all we needed was one more answer to clear the board and we had 2 X's.  Molly's turn....she was thinking, thinking, thinking and with tons of confidence said, "ROASTING MARSHMELLOWS!!" Everyone in the audience laughed and it was really a perfect, wrong, answer! We talked about this the entire 4 hour drive home. Cracking up!!

After we finished (we totally kicked butt!), the casting director walked up to me with our audition papers in hand and gave them to me and told us to go back to where we signed in. Uh---ok! I thought maybe she had been doing this to everyone....but NOPE! We were on to the next round.  That was the biggest high for all of us.  We kept saying how nervous we all were doing that.  Fun! The next round we got to go into a room, as a family, and get interviewed a little more with 2 producers.  The lady said they would send our video on to the producers in California.  They would then pick 200 families to be in their "active file."  If you are in the "active file" you have a good chance of being flown to Atlanta, Georgia for a taping of the show!

Well----we got another email Sunday night letting us know we are included in their "active file!"  We are already deciding on how to split the money!!! haha.  But in all seriousness, we haven't been chosen YET! We will wait until we get another email or call letting us know a YES or a NO!
But, we are being positive and can't decide on what we are wearing!!!!

Family Feud continued.....................

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