Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Let me try this again....

I have been absent from this blog for a really long time now (Fall 2015 to be exact!).  I got so busy with work, family, etc I just couldn't keep up.  So starting today, I'm going to try my best to get back in the swing of things.

First let me give you a run down on the Barker's:

Leven finished out his volleyball season in November.  He lost in the 3rd round of playoffs.  BUT GUESS WHAT? He only lost 2 players! So everyone is coming back and will be ready to go come August.  If he's ever (EVER) going to make it to state, these girls will help him get there.  Leven has started poker night at our house usually about 2 nights per month.  They try and do it every other Wednesday and I've found out that there's several men a lot like Leven---they love Texas Hold'em! They go in the gameroom and only come out a couple of times.  They don't bother me and it keeps Leven entertained! Win/win!

Trever is doing his best out in Lubbock.  He continues to amaze me.  He waits tables, study's all hours of the night and some how manages to workout at the gym! The only way I can some how keep up with him is through SnapChat.  He needs to intern this summer so right now that's what we are busy trying to do----find him a job!

Taydem is seriously the best daughter.  She helps me with whatever I ask her to do.  She has made all A's so far this year and is just very responsible for an 8 year old.  Tenlee adores her!  Taydem is super competitive and I only pray she continues to be, especially for sports.  She is Trever MADE OVER! She's getting better and better in her tumbling class and she's attached at the hip to her best friend, Julia. 

Tenlee Rose is so dang funny.  It's crazy how a little toddler that doesn't speak that well can make us laugh.  Her expresssions are priceless.  She communicates pretty well and understands it all! I'm in shock that she turns 2 next month.  TWO!!! She started sleeping with Taydem back around December and it's the sweetest thing.  I love going and waking them up in the morning and they are all tangled up with each other.  I hope Taydem allows this for a few more years.  She does not like that crib anymore so I guess I can break it down soon. 

I am in the middle of coaching club volleyball (surprise? Not really...).  This is my 8th year to coach club and I still really enjoy it.  It's like my thing.  Everybody should have "a thing" they enjoy doing.  Leven's thing is poker. Love this team of girls.  All different in their own way.  I also sold my Yukon (like, last week!).  I sold that thing in a day (still in shock over that).  I didn't even know what kind of car I wanted. I borrowed my grandmother's car for 2 days until I found something.  I had tears letting that Yukon go.  Leven bought me that car when Taydem was a baby.  It was my dream car and I loved it.  It was such a good family car for us.  But it started getting more and more miles on it and I was just afraid it wasn't going to last me much longer.  So it needed to go! I bought a Hyundai Sonata and I love this car.  It's a limited edition so it's loaded down with all the fun technology and gadgets.  Which I LOVE! I just haven't driven a car in 8 years so I'm having to get used to riding low to the ground. 

Well that was a quick wrap up. Here's a few pictues as well-----


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