Monday, November 9, 2015


I can not keep up with this blog thing anymore.  Work is crazy busy and then the home life is crazy as well right now.  Leven has already won his first 2 playoff games and will go for round #3 tomorrow night back up in Forney.  Can't wait!
Taydem was a witch of some kind for Halloween and Tenlee was a rabbit.  Tenlee is so laid back.  She just goes with the flow.  She's talking more and more and we forget how much they actually understand at this age.  Although they can't communicate back with us, SHE KNOWS! She's the cutest thing to me.  Taydem is so good with her.  She will now get her out of bed, change her diaper, make her a juice cup and feed her breakfast (this is Saturday mornings only!).  But it's sooooooooo awesome. 
 I KNOW now why I waited so long to have another child!

Trever turned 21 yesterday!
 Did ya'll read that carefully.......21!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel so old saying that. 
He's coming home over Thanksgiving and Leven and I are going to take him to the boats over in Shreveport. 

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