Monday, August 31, 2015

Just not long enough

I wish we had one more day for the weekend.  It just goes by too fast.  Taydem had her first double header for softball on Saturday.  It was a long HOT day.  Tenlee did end up falling asleep in her stroller for about 30 mins (not long enough).  After her games, we headed over to the splash pad which is right there by the ball fields.  We only lasted there about 45 mins before she was saying she was tired and ready to head home.  I wasn't going to complain about that at all.  Momma was also worn out! Leven spent all day Saturday in Forney for his last Varsity tournament.  Another great tournament for he and those girls.  They ended up 2nd out of 30 teams! Leven was also tired when he finally made it home.  Sunday was spent going to church and trying to relax the rest of the day.  Taydem and I did work on some softball skills a little bit last night and I got a good run in.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so many little wet girls I want some!