Monday, August 3, 2015

It's time

Today, I started back up with my Shakeology drink for breakfast.  It's the craziest thing.  I can't talk about it enough.  I finally ate some cashews around 1.  I just wasn't hungry.  The shake is so filling to me that it helps me NOT sit behind this desk and eat all day long.  I'm also going to start working out harder starting this afternoon.  Taydem has softball practice at 7 and while she's doing that I'm going to jump back in with my Insanity Max DVD's!
Today Leven started back with another volleyball season. Two-a-days all week and then Friday and Saturday they have scrimmages.  I love love love this time of year.  Leven has a great team this year AND the same girls will be back next year! Wishing he and those girls all the luck! Let's go Lady Dawgs.
Saturday Mom and I took Taydem school clothes shopping.  Friday during my lunch break, I knocked out the supply list!
We found some really good sales and Taydem is set for 2nd grade!

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