Friday, August 28, 2015

I can't get enough of these two.  Taydem was born to be a big sister! And I'm so thankful she's Tenlee's.  She is so patient with Tenlee and plays so well with her.  If Tenlee starts fussing, Tay will go make her something to drink in one of her sippy cups.  She doesn't even have to be told!  The age that Tenlee is at right now just amazes me.  I pick her up from daycare every day and there's something new she's doing.  She makes about 50 different faces and just cracks us up.  I could eat her up with the cuteness she puts out!
Taydem has her first double header fall softball game tomorrow.  We will probably get killed because these games were literally thrown at us on Tuesday.  We barely had enough time to get some jerseys for the girls. 
Leven's team won both their pool play games in the Forney tournament on Thursday and then won their first bracket game.  They will finish tomorrow! Hoping for another 1st place trophy!

Happy Friday! It's the weekend and the temps have already started going down outside! I love fall weather!

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