Thursday, August 20, 2015

Shake it up

So now that I'm selling Beachbody products, I constantly have group text messages going and then individual texts going.  Some of the girls that have bought Shakeology from me, we take a picture of ourselves every morning and send to each other.  It helps us hold ourselves accountable.  I'm sure the girls probably think I'm crazy, but it helps me.  I know they are depending on me and they know I'm depending on them.  So it works out. I can really see how being apart of this company can do well for a person and be successful.  But working 8-5, volleyball games 2 nights a week, then softball the other 2 nights....I just don't have enough time in the day to focus on it.  I'm going to keep posting videos and pictures of what I'm doing.  I just hope I'm motivating someone out in the social media world!
Here's a few of my recent pics!
You can see when I drink my shake----> on my way to work! These shakes are sooo good to me.  I get my chocolate fix and everything! I don't snack before lunch because its so filling and holds me over until about 1!.

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