Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Morning Blues

Whoa...according to this picture of Taydem...she really looks like she has the Monday Morning Blues! She was actually just zoned into the TV here.  When I'm cooking or cleaning I give her Tenlee to hold for me.  Don't they look so sweet together?  Tay is a good big sister and a wonderful helper to me. 
 Happy 3 months to this cutie pie! I bring out the camera and she says CHEESE! Not really...I do have to make all kinds of silly faces to make her smile like this.  Or maybe I just look funny to her.  Either way, it works whatever I do!
Her smile is the sweetest :)
 Yesterday my parents decided to let all the older 6 grandkids come spend the night. So after mom came and picked up Taydem, Leven and I headed to Carthage. He starts "Open Gym" tomorrow for his volleyball girls and wanted to get his nets put up.  So while he did that, I went to the weight room and worked out a little bit.  Tenlee just sat in her carseat and watched me.  She's already turning into the perfect little gym rat just like her brother and sister.
Poor thing!
 And here's a picture of what was going on at Nana and Papa's house. This is Taydem in her pefect happy place.  If she could be anywhere, this would be it....with her cousins at her Nana and Papa's house.  Today they were heading to the movies. 
In just a bit I have to go pick her up from the movies and......
take her BACK TO THE DOCTOR FOR THIS STUPID INFANTIGO CRAP! I am so sick of this. We have been treating this skin CRAP since May 19th (I had to look back on my blog for the exact date because I remember blogging about it). She has taken 2 rounds of oral antibiotics and now cream.  This spot on her nose came up last Monday.  It wasn't this big.  They gave her an antibiotic cream and yes, it has not spread over her face, BUT the spot is bigger on her nose.  Poor thing looks like Rudolph.  It's just so frustrating, because we have washed sheets, washed stuffed animals, taken oral meds and now have used the cream on top of spending MONEY on doctor visits and on medicines. ugh ugh ugh! I'm a little ticked.  I pray that after this doctor's visit, we can get this taken care of.

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