Monday, June 23, 2014

Austin Texas

Leven and I had a wonderful, must needed time away together, in Austin this past weekend! Again we are so thankful to my parents for watching the girls for us. Friday night we checked into our hotel, got changed and headed to Sullivan's for some really good eaten'( Then we headed to 6th street for some major people watching and entertainment! Can NEVER go wrong there. We ended the night at Pete's Piano Bar and sang away.....until it was time to make our way back to the hotel.
A good night for sure!
And while we were in Austin, this was her living room
Saturday we slept in...(love), ate an amazing breakfast, then layed out around the pool for a couple of hours.  Then got dressed and drove to Round Rock for this sweet girl's wedding.  This is Kendle.  I met Kendle when she was in the 8th grade along with her sister, Bailey and their Momma. Bailey is Trever's age and they grew up down the street from Leven and Trever.  Their Mom, Melissa, pretty much took care of Trever (and Leven!) for awhile there! Kendle was our babysitter for Taydem and started babysitting for us when Tay was just 3 months old.  She loved Taytay! And her family loved Lev and Trever. Kendle was an outstanding volleyball player and played for Leven on varsity her freshmen and sophmore year before we moved to Longview.  It broke our hearts, especially Leven's, the day we had to tell Kendle we were moving to Longview.  No way would we miss her wedding! She looked gorgeous. So happy for her.  She's all growed up!!  

 Here's Leven with a group of his Mexia Ladycats!
He loves when he gets a chance to see his past athletes. It always makes him so proud to hear about what they are doing now.  

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