Monday, June 9, 2014

Sweet Summatime

Summertime has begun for all the kiddos and most of the teachers.  Leven will take off the month of June and start back up in July with volleyball camps, open gym and more volleyball camps.  Taydem will bounce around this summer with Leven, Mom, Danin, Austyn, and whoever else will have her come over to play :)
Tenlee started back at the daycare this morning.  Of course she was all smiles when I dropped her off.  She is now pretty much sleeping through the night.  She is such a blessing to us.  And such a wonderful little baby.  She doesn't sleep much during the day, but this momma isn't complaining one bit.  She likes to take herself little "power naps!" She loves watching every little thing that we do and I guess she just doesn't want to miss out on anything.  Her doctor's appointment went well last Thursday.  She is in the 78% in height and 64% in weight.  Taydem never got passed the 35% on height as an infant so Tenlee has her beat so far! When Taydem had her 3 year old check up she finally hit the 75% on height! And now she's one of the tallest! It just took her awhile to grow.
This past Saturday one of Leven's oldest and bestest friends, Billy, was getting married in Mexia.   Billy was the first of Leven's friends that I met and Leven was asked to be a groomsman.  We stopped by and visited with Louie and Gwen first and got dressed at their house before the wedding.   

 Taydem danced her little shoes off (literally) at the wedding.  Since I was holding T the whole time, Tay danced with Leven and she felt like she was dancing with a prince all night.  I think because Leven was in a tux, maybe! It was pretty cute! And Tenlee did so good. 

 Check out this 2 person swing my brother and SIL, Chrissy made for their back yard.  It's made out of pallets.  Isn't it the coolest? I just love it.  You can't see in this picture but she also put solar lights on the back of it! Super cute.
 And this is Baylee! Isn't she the cutest?

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