Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Down and Out

Some days you can just be, well, down. Mine started off this morning.  I can't tell you how many times I have locked my keys in my car. I seriously can't because I've now lost count.  Why is it that this is one thing that I just can't seem to fix or correct or just slap get it together?  I do it A LOT! And this is something that once you do it once or even twice, you learn from it and don't do it again, right? Well not Devin.  She does it over and over and over again.  So this morning I had too much crap in my hands, once again, while getting out of my car (at work) and I thought I had my keys in my hand too. I hit the lock button on my car door while getting out, shut the door, looked in my hands, and realized.... SHOOT! Too late. Door locked. I called Leven because I knew we had a spare in the apartment but since the move there is really no telling where I put it. So he couldn't find it. (I'm sure I will get home and find it right off!) So now I will call the LockSmith.  Thank goodness for my car insurance because they credit back so many in a year.
Thank you Farmer's Insurance!
I'm losing weight. I am. But it's just taking time. It's just frustrating, you know.  In all my life, I've never had to really diet.  Tenlee is now a little over 2 months and I'm still not back in my jeans. It just sucks.  I've loved my group of ladies that I've been working out with and doing my diet plan with.  I think in 5 weeks we have together lost over 30 pounds together.  [We said that if we reach 75 lbs that we would take a little weekend girls trip together.] This past week I lost another 3 pounds.  I think now my body knows it's time to lose weight and we are finally getting somewhere.  Those first few weeks, my body was in shock or something.  I haven't had any fast food in 5 weeks, not ONE Dr. Pepper, and pretty much not any junk food.  I'm eating very clean. Every now and then I will eat a small piece of chocolate or some kind of sweet just to tell my body to shut up and get over the craving that it is well....craving.  But I never go overboard.  But next week, Leven and I are going to Austin for a weekend together and I wanted so badly to be back looking "right", "good", "skinny" , etc.  These are all the words I say to myself to make me feel good.  Leven thinks I look fine.  He knows that I'm not back to where I was before Tenlee, but he doesn't really care.  I'm sure he is just tired of me carrying on and on about me, me, me!
Yesterday Taydem dropped my ipad on the ground and it cracked a little in the corner.  Ugh.  I know that she didn't mean too but it still made me so angry.  I made her go to her room simply because I didn't want to do or say anything at that moment that I would regret.  After about 10 minutes of her being in her room she slipped a few pieces of paper under the door.  The first note said that she was sorry.  The second note said that if I didn't forgive her that she would runaway but if I did forgive her then she would stay. D-R-A-M-A  Q-U-E-E-N!  I couldn't help but laugh.  So I forgave her.
So I'm a little down today.
But we all have those days.
I also wish I had about $15,000 in my checking account!
 Just $15,000. 
That's not too much to ask for, now is it? ☺
But when I see this sweet smile it seems to make me feel a little better:

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today.
 We are almost finished finalizing our house plans!
Meeting with Rod Brown tomorrow

Pay it Forward.
Say HI to a Stranger
Say your PRAYERS
Hug a child
Be nice

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