Saturday, March 29, 2014

Good with the Bad


They say when it rains, it pours. 

My poor TayTay is sick with the flu. She woke up Friday morning saying that her head was hurting.  Of course, at first, I thought she was only saying this so she could stay home with me for the day and miss school. But I took her temperature and she had over 100. Poor thing. So I gave her some Tylenol and she slept from 7-12! She felt better once she woke up so I just figured it was some 24 hour virus or something. This morning Leven had to wake up early and drive to Shreveport to watch his girls play volleyball so he checked her before he left and said she was burning up. So he gave her Tylenol before he left. After he left I laid there for just a little while and decided to check her temp again. This time 103! Ugh. I called my mom and she said she would drive into Longview with me to take her to see a doc. [Since I'm about to pop any day now, I don't like going anywhere by myself. You just never know when I could go into labor.]  The doc tested her for the flu and what do you know....positive. So my parents are keeping her tonight and tomorrow night. We don't want her in the apartment or really anywhere near me. It breaks my heart. Hopefully by tomorrow her fever will be gone and she won't be contagious anymore. My parents had a party tonight so Lev is actually at my parents with Tay and I'm here. Sucks! But we can't chance myself or Tenlee getting sick.  Keep us all in your prayers.   

So that's the bad news.....

Good news is we have less than 2 DAYS before we get to meet our new little bundle! Honestly it hasn't even hit me. I guess because we have so much going on and now with Tay being sick. But Monday morning as we drive to the hospital I will start freaking out. I just want everything to go smoothly for her and for me. My mom and Leven will be in the room again and this time Danin will be. I told her since she never got to experience a natural birth she could witness this one.  She's also going to be my photographer!! 

     I leave you with the last of my     
                     belly pictures. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Let the countdown begin!!

Yesterday I stayed home from work.  I've been having quite a few cramping moments and my back is a whole other story.  And I'm so glad I stayed home. I didn't get out of my bed unless to go to the restroom or make myself something to eat.  My feet didn't swell at all and if I did cramp I could curl up in my bed until it stopped.
This morning I had my last doctor's visit.  I was dilated right at a 2 and 50% effaced.  So I'm making some progess.  But the date is still set for Monday the 31st.  Unless she decides to come this weekend.  But I doubt it.  Today is my last day at work.  I'm looking forward to relaxing these next 5 days.  I need it for sure!
Danin finally got to come home today.  It took awhile for her blood pressure to get back down to normal.  She wants so bad to be in the room when I give birth to Tenlee.  Hopefully it will happen for her.
This post is short and sweet.  The next time I blog, I will have our precious baby!
Until then....say a prayer for us!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Wittle baby

My sister beat me to the punch!
My new precious and beautiful baby niece was born yesterday at 1:35 pm.  She weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz and was 20.5 inches long.  She was almost 4 weeks early!! Can you imagine how big she would've been if she was a full term baby. Good Golly Miss Molly!
My sister went back to the hospital for the 3rd time on Friay night with high blood pressure and a major headache that she had all day.  They kept her all day Saturday and they were thinking they would probably go ahead and take Baylee either Monday or Tuesday.  But Sunday morning rolled around and Danin had protein in her urine which was a def sign that she had preclampsia and the baby needed to be out that day. C-Section babies are so quick and so beautiful.  They don't have to go through all that stress of going through the birth canal and the Momma gets rolled in and rolled out in no time.  But I hear the recovery is much worse for the momma than a natural delivery.  So I guess you get the good with the bad.
I stayed up at the hospital all day and finally left about 8:30.  Danin needed some help trying to get Baylee to breastfeed and it was just Eric and I so I told her I would stay longer and help.  Baylee looks like her daddy for sure.  I guess the Turner's have some strong genes!!

  Proud Daddy!
 Proud Aunt!

 Baylee Monroe Turner
So now it's my turn.  I am getting more and more excited about next Monday.  I don't look for her to make her arrival early.  So I must be patient and enjoy these last 7 days. I go back to see my doctor on Wednesday.  And I've decided to take off Thursday and Friday from work.  I deserve a little break, right? I try to be "wonder woman" all the time, but in this case I need to think about my health and Tenlee's health. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Set Dates

As of this morning, we have our delivery dates set.  Danin and I were at the doctor at the same time this morning so she decided to go ahead and schedule our baby's birthdates so the hospital wouldn't get filled up on those days.  I'm scheduled for Monday, March 31st and Danin is scheduled for Thursday, April 3rd.  Either one of us could very easily go into labor before these days, but at least we have a date set just in case.  So this means another 2 weeks of bed rest for Danin.  These next 11 days will fly by for me.  And I'm happy with this day because I'm just 4 days away from making it to 40 weeks.  So Tenlee should be good and plump! I go back to see my doctor next Wednesday and Danin will visit her twice next week. 
Last night I cooked dinner for Danin and her hubby while Leven was at club volleyball practice [Of course I saved him some!]  I figured since she was stuck in the bed all day I would do something nice for her.  Plus Taydem has been begging me for some chicken and rice.  After we ate, I jumped in Danin's bath tub and took a nice relaxing bath! I hate that our apartment only has a shower.  I figured me cooking and her letting me use her tub was a pretty good trade off! 
The night times are getting harder and harder.  I have finally moved into Taydem's bed and put her in the bed with Leven.  I feel I sleep better alone and plus I'm not havin to listen to Leven snore and I'm not waking him up everytime I go to the restroom.  Speaking of going to the restroom....8 times last night! Geez     But that's still not my record.  I went 11 times one night while pregnant with Taydem.  I try not to drink much before bedtime, but I'm so thirsty. How many more days until she's born?? ☺
So today is the first day of SPRING and the first day of MARCH MADNESS!
 I know what will be on our TV tonight!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Staying Calm

I haven't had any more major cramps since Sunday night.  My stomach still tends to tighten up throughout the day but I think that's just because there's no more room inside for her.  I'm very ready to head back to the doctor on Thursday to see if there's any changes in my cervix.  Fingers crossed that I've made some kind of progress.
Danin was released from the hospital again last night and is put on bed rest.  She also goes to the doctor on Thursday for a checkup.  The doctor wants to see Danin two times a week now and they have moved her C-Section up to 38 weeks instead of 39. 
 So now we are even closer together. 
Taydem has Tball practice again tonight and she had tumbling last night.  She loves all her little activities.  I think, she thinks she's all grown up! Here's a picture of her and her friend Julia.  So thankful for Julia's mom for taking Tay to tumbling every Monday for us. 
 And speaking of Taydem, she is going to be HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, when she gets home today.  I bought her the movie, Frozen! She saw it 3 times in the movie theatre and has been begging me to buy it for her. 
Do you ever shop on Zulilly? OMG...I need to stay off this website.  I feel like if I buy Tenlee something, then I need to buy Taydem something.  It adds up quickly, but the deals are so good and the clothes are adorable.  I am like a kid at Christmas everytime I go get the mail!
Have you gotten your March Madness basketball bracket filled out yet?  My office is doing a little pot.  It costs $5 to play and whoever has the most points when it's all said and done, wins! I love doing this, because it makes me watch and keep up with the games better.  PLUS this year, someone could win 1 BILLION DOLLARS!!! It's not so easy either.  Last year there were so many upsets in the first round that everyone's brackets were screwed up from the start!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Braxton Hicks

I stayed home from work last Friday.  I think I got about an hour sleep the night before and my stomach was cramping like crazy.  I believe after my doctor visit on Thursday and after she "checked" me, she must have got this whole labor thing started somewhat.  All weekend my stomach cramped on and off.  I didn't really think anything of it, until last night.  The cramps were a little stronger and my stomach would tighten and then release.  So I'm thinking now that this must be the Braxton Hicks everyone always talks about.  With Taydem I never experienced any of this because they broke my water at the hospital and the pain started then! So maybe, just maybe...Tenlee is trying to make her appearance!
Danin was admitted into the hospital last Friday.  She had high blood pressure and they wanted to monitor her and the baby.  Once her BP went down she was released Friday night.  But guess what? She's back in the hospital again today.  All weekend she was put on bedrest but her BP was still high yesterday.  Hopefully it goes back down so she can go home again tonight.  If not, then Baylee will be getting here before Tenlee. 
Saturday morning I helped host a baby shower for my good friend, Kristin.  She's 6 weeks behind me and she's having a baby boy! And this will also be her first. The shower was so beautiful and Kristin received some really nice things!
Saturday night (since Danin was in bed all day) my brother in law asked us if we wanted to come over for some hamburgers.  Danin said Eric was bouncing off the walls from boredom.  So Leven jumped all over that offer.  And the burgers were excellent!

Sunday we didn't go to church.  I just really want to soak up as much resting as I can possible.  Especially since I'm going to work up until it's go time.  Taydem had been begging me for like 2 weeks to take her to the circus in Carthage.  First of all, Carthage is not a very large town so if any kind of circus is going to be there, it's probably going to be a little "rink a dink" one.  But I want to spend as much time as possible with Taydem before the baby gets here.  So Leven and I headed to the circus yesterday with Taydem and our niece and nephew.  Of course, it was pretty ghetto...ha! But the kids loved it.  And that's what matters. 

Leven said he was so happy that he went to a circus and got to see some horses, camels and poodles! lol

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Baby Girl!

Update on Baby Tenlee Rose:
She is already weighing 7 lbs.  Everything looked perfect according to the sonogram.  She's got lots of hair! She is very, very cozy in my belly because I haven't even made any progress on getting her out.  No thinning out and no dialation. Doctor said I'm still very much closed up.  Which is a little depressing, but I know the longer she stays in, the better.  So another 2-3 weeks, here we come. I can't stop looking at these pictures. 
She's already so beautiful to me! 

 She's puckering her lips for us!
Danin is at the doctor's office right now! I'm ready to receive a text from her letting me know how big Baylee is. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Balls and Bows

Happy Hump Day!
Monday night we all headed over to Mom and Dad's for some good cooking and visiting with the family.  Then all of us adults left and our kids stayed.  Well all the grandkids except the two younger ones.  So my mom and dad had 6 of them spend the night! Whew! Mom made up some hide and seek game for them that night.  Taydem was telling me all about it.  Blessed to have our Nana and Papa!
Leven spent ALL day at the boats yesterday with some coaching buddies from Pine Tree.  Of course he had a blast and even came home a winner (unless he decides to go play this morning and loses it all!). When either one of us are gone for the night, we let Taydem sleep in the bed with us.  This is the only time we allow her to sleep in our bed.  From the start, my parents told us never let our kids begin sleeping in the bed with us.  It's a bad habit to break them of and the "master" bedroom is for the husband and wife.  So none of us 4 kids have every allowed our kids to sleep with us.  Yes, there are certain occasions, but the kids beds are for them.  This could be one reason why all of our marriages are strong.  A man and his wife must have alone time and intimacy. 
This is my one good advice for the week! TAKE IT!! 
So with all that being said, check out Taydem last night. 
 Is she cuddled up or what? Sweet baby girl!
 Yesterday was Taydem's first Tee Ball practice.  I was actually a little nervous.  I wasn't sure how she was going to do out there.  She hasn't really shown any interest in sports so far.  But of course, she was a natural.  She got out there and did whatever they asked her to do and she did well with ground balls.  Once she figured it out, she actually started moving her feet to get in front of the ball.  She loved it! When it was over, she ran over to me and asked if I was proud of her.  Love her to pieces! But she told me her favorite part of Tee Ball are the cleats....go figure!

And while Taydem was running around chasing balls, I was checking out my feet and kankles.  They have actually been pretty good these past couple of weeks, then yesterday...dang I'm not sure what happened.  Those babies were killing me all last night.  And my right foot was way bigger than my left.  Feel sorry for me....please :)  
I am NOT a crafty person at all.  But I needed some kind of bow/headband hanger for Tenlee.  I didn't want to keep throwing them in a drawer.  So I got on Pinterest and found the easiest project to do.  Just call me Martha Stewart.  I did this in about 2 hours.  I thought it turned out pretty good and it's doing what I wanted.  SCORE!
Tomorrow morning is the big deal! Sono and check up with the doctor.  I will post what I find out tomorrow. Have a great hump day!

Monday, March 10, 2014


The Tatum boys won the semi final game against Bushland on Friday, but came up short against Ponder on Saturday.  The game was televised and I sat and watched it on my couch.  We played so well up until the 4th quarter...the most important quarter of the entire game.  We even had a 14 pt lead in the 3rd quarter at one time.  Ponder was a tough team and you can see why they have won state several times in the past.  Proud of our boys making it that far, but it's always a heartbreaker when you get that close.  I caught some pictures from the TV of my family and then some other pictures from the game. 

 This was during the 4th quarter when things started going Ponder's way.
My brother looks real happy! I'm glad my sister in law is still cheering!!
 Mom and Dad at the bottom left. looks real excited!
 Aidan is the middle "T"! I just love this picture of he and his friends. 
 I'm sure we will see this picture again in the future.
 Ally Austyn and her cute self!
This weekend was the perfect weekend for me to get some rest.  I almost feel like a new person this morning.  We watched the movie, "12 Years a Slave." Wonderful story and great movie.  It's hard at times to watch movies like this.  We are blessed this day and time to have our freedom. A must see!
I took Taydem to the park yesterday and Danin and Brittyn and my friend Alicia and her son Cannon met us up there.  Cannon is also in kindergarten.  Taydem needed to get out of the apartment for a little bit.  She was bouncing off the walls.  Today Leven is taking Taydem to Academy to finish getting the rest of her softball stuff.  (Remember they are on Spring Break....lucky turds!) I told Leven I would meet them in Longview just to make sure he gets everything.  Her first practice is tomorrow night! I'm also going to run by Hobby Lobby.  I need some kind of hanger for all of Tenlee's bows and headbands.  So I'm going to try and make something. 
I'm sure you have now heard of the app, Flappy Bird  ??  Well this is one game I am horrible at.  I can't even play it because I get so frustrated.  Taydem actually loves it and is way better than me.  Her new high score is 44.  Trever told me his highest score is like 204....what?
Another week...another dollar!
Make it a good one. 
This week is a big week for Danin and I.  Can't wait until Thursday.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Soon and Very Soon

All day yesterday my stomach was doing all kinds of weird things.  I'm not sure if it was gas pains or Tenlee letting me know that she is tired of being cramped up inside.  Some of the pains hurt, some were just uncomfortable and some just drove me crazy.  She moved ALL day long, really up until I finally fell asleep.  So with all that being said....I packed mine and Tenlee's hospital bags last night.  You just never know. But this is the first time I think that she may come early.
Leven has officially started track meets for this season.  He had one last Friday night (they won the meet), he had one last night (they won the meet) and then he has one tonight.  He loves track! But it can be a lot of work.  Plus the weather is not always in your favor.  While he's outside standing all night in the cold, Taydem and I will be all cuddled up on the couch or in the bed watching some TV!!
He told me this morning that at least I don't have to stand up all night in the cold.  I came back least you CAN stand up all night in the cold.  I wouldn't last 10 minutes out there before I started looking for a chair. 
Trever leaves today for Kansas.  Two of his best buddies are playing baseball up there at a Junior College and he is dying to go visit.  Plus it's SPRING BREAK! He needs a break from all his hard work.  Pray for his safety as he travels to and from. 
With me being pregnant the last 8 months I didn't even realize until yesterday that school is almost out for the summer.  Good gosh! Taydem and I were talking about first grade yesterday and it kind of freaked me out.  I've been so busy with the baby and selling the house, time just slipped by.  Taydem has now decided she wants to be a cheerleader instead of a dancer! She is loving gymnastics. 
Thank goodness for internet these days...right? At 10:00 I'm going to watch the Tatum boys basketball game right from my computer at work.  And I can't wait to see the "sea of green" in the stands! It's perfect. I can sit here and enter invoices and watch the game at the same time. SCORE! The game is on FoxSportsSouthwest!
 Maybe I will see my family in the stands!
I'm leaving you with this today:
This cracks me up.  Although Leven is a high school girls coach (and not in the oil field)....sometimes this is what I think he feels like after a long day with all those girls!
I couldn't do it!
Have a great weekend

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I told you yesterday that Taydem wanted her hair cut shorter....
drum roll please.....
I think it turned out cute and she loves it.
Here's another side by side view.....
drum roll please....
.....of my sister and I.  This is the first time we've done this since being pregnant together.  I think it's a pretty neat picture and it's a once in a lifetime photo op for the both of us.  Who do you think is bigger?? I think we are pretty close in comparison.  I'm just glad my sister took an actual "belly shot" of herself.  We have less than a month away before we meet our baby girls....Baylee Monroe and Tenlee Rose!
My feet and ankles have really been good to me lately.  Not much swelling at all.  But the belly and back are killing me.  Sunday morning I had to tackle a few stairs (in heels, what was I thinking?) and I was so out of breath.  Leven stopped and waited for me at the top of the stairs, smiling really big at me! I told him not to make any comment, it's hard carrying an extra 35 pounds of weight when you aren't used to it.  He's only comment was, "That's how I feel every day!" Good answer Leven, good answer!
We found out last night who's Tee Ball team Taydem was on.  The girl is excited and she doesn't even know how to use her ball glove yet.  Where is Trever when we need him?  She does well hitting.  She doesn't even need a tee because she can hit it when we toss pitch to her, but Tee Ball is what she'll have to play this year.  She's on a team with my nephew Tucker and some of our friends children.  I'm excited.  The only down fall is I will have just had Tenlee when games begin.  Glad she will have my brother to hitch rides with to and from games and practices.  
Speaking of the game of baseball....check out this picture of Leven back in the day.  I love seeing old pictures of him because I didn't know him then. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


This past weekend my Uncle and his family competed in a BBQ Cookoff in Louisiana.  This was his first time entering any kind of contest like this and he took home Reserve Grand Champion!! My Aunt and his kiddos bought him a really nice BBQ pit for Christmas and he put that thing to good use this past weekend.  Super proud of him and all the rest of them! The only thing I'm gonna say now is when is he gonna feed this big ole pregnant woman some RIBS!
Aunt Susan and Uncle Robbie
This is my favorite picture: My 90 year old Meme, my Uncle Robbie and his two sons Colton and Austin and his daughter Sterling and her husband Steven!
My super sweet SIL, Chrissy, is letting me borrow my nieces baby bedding for Tenlee.  I'm sure I've already mentioned this somewhere in my blog, but I wanted to say it again! She brought it over to me last week and I think now the girls room is pretty much complete. 
Now we just need a BABY!

Danin and I created a "Baby Pool Game" for our two girls.  It's $5 to play and whoever scores the most points wins all the money in the pot.  They all have to guess the date of her arrival, time, height and weight.  Danin and I are also playing since neither one of us know exactly what will happen.  We go next week, March 13th (yes, both of us go that day) for our last sonogram and then a check up with our doctor.  This sonogram will tell us a little more about how much they are weighing now. 
Happy Tuesday folks!!
 Taydem is getting herself a haircut this afternoon.  She's been begging me for the past two weeks to cut her hair.  I didn't realize just how long it had gotten.  But she wants it cut pretty short.  Leven isn't too happy about it, but it will grow back.  She's just tired of sleeping with it and it wrapping up around her head at night. lol I will def post a before and after picture of her tomorrow.
Leaving you today with this picture:
Do you see it??

Monday, March 3, 2014


March is here!
And this weather is still just MADNESS around our parts.  Saturday was beautiful and 80 degrees. This morning we wake up to snow, sleet and ice and 20 degrees.  Good gosh! Mother Nature can not make up her mind at all. 
Friday morning Taydem woke up with a horrible ear infection.  I am so helpless when she gets these.  I feel so bad and I want to take her pain away.  She just cries and moans, rolls around, she was even hitting things this time.  So I called every doctor that I knew but they were all booked until after lunch.  Well there was no way we were waiting that long.  So I took her into Longview to a health clinic.  They got her right in and prescribed her some medicine.  On the way home she kept telling me that she just didn't feel good.  I'm thinking bc of her ear.  Well, was I wrong! She threw up....poor thing.  So I put her to bed.  She then threw up all in her bed.  So I spent the next hour washing sheets.  She slept for 4 hours after that.  Poor baby was sick! I just prayed that I didn't get it.  And so far so good.  That night Leven stayed home with her while I went to the boys basketball play off game with my parents and Danin.  They killed Marlin like 79-28.  It was a horrible game to watch.  So the next morning Leven woke up and said he wanted to go watch their next game.  I was pumped.  We jumped in the car and headed to Nacogdoches.  This game would be much better and would determine who goes on to the state tournament.  By far the BEST.GAME.I.HAVE.EVER.SEEN!  Wow.  We went into overtime and won a buzzer beater shot.  Check out the highlights below:
Thank goodness I didn't go into labor.  I tried to stay seated the majority of the game so I wouldn't get to overly excited.